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TW: drug usage⚠️

"No! Malfoy, put it back." Spat Harry, his index finger raised and pointed an inch away from Draco's smirking face. "I'm here to bloody take care of your wasted arse, not get high with you."

Malfoy groaned and rolled onto his back. He was not going to take no for an answer, but of course, he wasn't going to force Potter or spike him either.
So he found another way.

"Come on, Potter." He whispered, leaning closer. "This is your chance. You get to ask me anything you'd like. I'm sure you fancy that, don't you?"

Harry tried his best to avoid eye contact, he could sense Malfoy's hot breath on his jaw—and it certainly was not helping obliterate his true desires. He did not attempt to leave Draco a response yet, as his mind was busy considering the blonde boy's offer.
If I took some, he'll be able to question me anything, with no remorse, and I'll unwillingly give him a genuine answer. But it's not like I'm hiding something so secretive—Voldemort is dead, there aren't any dangerous stuff to be hidden with me any more... except my inclinations.
But on the bright side, I get to ask Malfoy whatever I wish.
And maybe this would be a little more fun than I thought it would be.

Harry was brought back to reality to the sound of a plastic bag shaking slightly. He turned his head and saw Draco holding the material between the tips of his fingers. "So," He smirked. "Have you changed your mind yet?"

"Hand one over." Spoke Harry, and he could've sworn he saw Malfoy's smile grow wider as if it was going to touch his ears.

"Not like this. I've got a better way." Whispered Draco in a seductive tone as he slowly opened the bag, taking one tablet out. He positioned himself on his knees, and placed the pill on his tongue. Leaning closer to the confused boy, his eyes looked down onto Harry's, and grey met green. The two boys remained gaping at one another for a few seconds before Malfoy kept getting closer and closer—the tablet still on the surface of his tongue. Their mouths were inches apart and Draco could feel Potter shiver under the feeling.

He smirked, and permitted the Viagra pill to slip, pushing it from his mouth into Harry's, and the other boy immediately reacted by taking it. Draco left his tongue in there long after Potter had swallowed the tablet, swirling in gently around the inside of his mouth, and Harry reciprocated gladly. Every nerve was heightened by the chemicals in what they'd took—every cell in their bodies appeared to be animated and fizzing, and even just kissing heavenly and full of pleasure.
The two of them pulled back gently, both feeling the major effects of the drug. Harry's head was spinning—all he could feel was ecstasy mixed with lust, and it was driving him crazy. Draco, on the other hand, didn't really sense any difference—he was already high for the past couple of hours, but the urge to shove his tongue down Harry's throat grew larger and larger each moment he's present next to him.

"Why are the lights off? I can't see neither you nor anything properly. Turn them on." Said Harry, rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms.

"No." Malfoy spat. His tone harsher than usual. Harry didn't say anything—he did not want to argue no matter how suspicious he felt. He just dropped it.

They stared into one another's eyes for a few seconds, until one of them spoke up.
"Alright, I'll begin." Said Malfoy breathlessly, not breaking the eye contact. Harry only nodded briefly as he was still not in the right mind—he doesn't get high much often. Draco leaned backwards and sat back, him and Potter side by side. He signaled Harry to come closer, motioning his hand onto his lap, and the brown-haired boy obeyed without thinking twice. He laid his head on Malfoy's thighs, and watched him snigger.

"Can I have," Muttered Harry, "a-another one?" His voice began to sound raspy as if he'd just woken up from a ten hour nap. He winced slightly when he felt Draco grab him by the face with his long fingers, his cold rings digging into the flesh of his cheeks.

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