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A/N: The events in this story vary from the original events that take place in the movies and books of Harry Potter.
Some things here may happen earlier or later in reference to the original.

"I-i know Malfoy." Repeated Harry.

Silence suffused the area as Draco stood there with a tensed form and a clenched jaw. His face carried an emotionless blank look until he slowly raised a brow and spilled his words at a leisurely pace.

"What do you know Potter." Spoke Malfoy through gritted teeth. He hesitantly dug his hand into his pocket scouting for his wand when Harry hadn't responded.

Draco levitated the wand pointing it at the green-eyed boy.
"Don't make me repeat myself."

Harry glanced at the wooden stick in the blonde-boy's palm and back to his pale face. He swallowed thickly then let out a small sigh.

"You think I haven't been feeling suspicious of you and your actions lately Malfoy? Don't even ask why does it concern me that much but I had to puzzle out a way in order to detect what was it that you're possibly hiding."

Draco's facial expression reformed. He gave Harry an unexplainable look before opening his mouth a couple of times to speak, but nothing seemed to come out. He kept his wand raised and signalled Potter to continue what he was saying.

"Th-the night when Parkinson and Zabini threw a 'welcome back' party at your common room, I decided to take the chance to figure you out." He gulped and went on.
"While professor Snape was handling stuff for Dumbledore, I took matter into my own hands and sneaked in to grab the Veritaserum Potion. I assume you know what happened next."

Draco froze for a moment and shot an intense glare that penetrated through Harry's bright green eyes. He straightened his arm and took a few steps closer to the boy.

"How do I not know about this? Why can't I remember Potte-" He sneered until he was cut off.

"The Forgetfulness Charm." Spoke Harry hesitantly. His fingers twitched quickly as he swallowed his own saliva harshly.
"I asked Hermione to cast it carefully and she may or may haven't obliviated you—and then I asked her to do it to herself to. She doesn't know anything."


Draco shakingly lowered his wand without any further word.

He used me.

"What did I say?" Questioned Draco as he formed his lips into a thin line.

"W-what do you mea-"

"What did I say when I consumed the serum. What secrets did I unwillingly spill." He spoke clenching his jaw as he approached the raven-headed boy. "What do you know Potter."

Harry felt like he was shrinking at each step Malfoy took.
"I-i know about your task, a-and the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement." Stuttered Harry.

To Potter's shock, Malfoy breathed out a small chuckle.
"So that's it then, you know."

Harry left no response as Draco drew nearer and nearer. He strutted towards Potter and smirked. Leaning towards the smaller boy's ear, he whispered.

"Now Potter you may have discovered my dark side and have took advantage of me but let's get one thing straight,"
He paused for a moment as he sensed goosebumps form on Potter's body. He smirked at the sight and continued, letting his breath pass all over Harry's neck and collarbone sending shivers through his spine.
"I'm going to make sure you won't dare tell anybody."

Untitled Part 1Where stories live. Discover now