Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

All through the day it was interviews, same old same old, modest still mangeaged the band but as one could say had loosened their grip due to one of zayns outbursts when it came to what they could do, when he put his mind to something he would do anything for it to be done.

Niall and Harry barley spoke in the interviews they had their minds set on tonight.


"Come on man we have to go, the cars waiting" Niall yelled opening the door.

"Coming" Harry huffed checking his hair in the mirror, fairly pleased with himself. He stepped out in a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain white tee and a couple of dog tags thrown around his neck, showing off his tattoos, Niall similarly dressed but with a patterned tee.

"Ok man don't you worry ill find you a girl tonight, that will help ya relax-" Niall laughed making conversation

"Mmmmmmm, but-" Harry mumbled

"Huh?" Niall said looking up,

"Oh nothing don't worry" Harry muttered questioning if this whole sleeping round thing was right, he knew Niall only did it to hide the pain of his break up with cla- well yeah he was just heartbroken and thought this was the only he could get passed it. But Harry . . . Maybe it was time to grow up, maybe.

The boys stepped out of the taxi, flashed with various cameras, making their way to the clubs entrance.

The music blared making it hard to hear anything. The lighting was dim an coloured strobe lights flashed around everywhere, people on the dance floor falling over each other; they were wasted at it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet.

He head to the bar, not in the mood to dance as he caught a glisps of Niall already having some red head grinding against him.

"One beer man" Harry mumbled at the barmen

Tonight was gonna be a long night.


"WOOOO IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE" Harry yelled over the music taking a seat at the bar stool after coming back from the floor, you could tell he was a bit off his face.

"Another thanks mr barman" Harry laughed finishing his previous drink.

"And one more for the lady" he chanted swivelling round to his left to find a girl about his age. His cockeyness had deffenetly surfaced.

"Oh, um, thank-you" she said turning to face him.

Her dirty blond hair contouring her face falling into light curls, with stunner blue eyes wearing a black tight fitting dress.

"So what's a fine girl like you doing sitting alone" Harry chirped sipping his drink

"Oh my friends dancing with some guy, I wanted a break" she laughed pointing over to the red head he had seen early, pretty much skulking her drink.

"Someone's egar" Harry laughed as she stood.

"Let's dance" she slurred grabbing his arm, pulling him into the floor.


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