Chapter 5

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Hey guys it's me I've been getting feed back and it's so great I'll try my best to update as much as possible! Remember to keep commenting voting and fanning :) love all of you

And sorry if the chaps are a bit short I'll do my best to make them longer k, well enjoy oxox.


Chapter 5

*earlier that morning*


"wa-" she breathed, rolling to hit snooze. . . 7:00AM

" SHIT" she yelped seeing the time

"stupid, gonna be late, aaaaaaaa why did I-"

"Oh no, no, no I- urgh" she muttered seeing the quite Harry peacefully sleeping, his chest rising and falling.

Face palming herself she slipped on a pair of navy blue jeans and large wool jumper and a red scarf.

"Sorry" she whispered leaving the room slowly closing the door.

Today was her big break. . .she couldn't be late. . .

*present time*

"man, what the heck. You're almost an hour late, and your hair- it looks like you just had- oh no he didn't" Liam muttered pacing the hall, confronting Harry as he stumbled through the office door holding his head.

All the boys were seated around a large table.

Harry took a seat next to Niall hiding his face and blood shot eyes with large shades and a pushed back beanie,

"when I said chill I didn't mean get wasted" Niall laughed hitting his arm making Harry grunt,

"Oi what's this" louis chuckled from the opposite side lifting Harry's chin exposing a hickey. "well someone's been a cheeky lad haven't they" he laughed again playing with his earring.

Harry was pissed he'd been played, he'd never been played he was the 'player' urgh and Simon and modest would both give him mass lectures about missing the interview.

He let his eyes wonder across the room, placks of the boys achievements, new paper articles, photos.

What was the point of last night, he felt like shit and now. . . Here comes Simon.

"lads" he greeted nodding moving his view to Harry, "and. . . Harry" he muttered

"now you will all know, with the up coming year approaching fast we must be prepared for many more gigs and publistity as you do realize your. . . Change has made you boys harder to sell so I've set up many great things for you boys but." he stopped breathing out.

"I will no longer be able to represent you, and as for modest the have only agreed to manage the bare minimum of the band, so I have interviewed multiple people to fill the position but came to a conclusion of granting the position to a young women by the name of, ummmm-"

"Melissa, but you can call me Mel" A girl cut in as she stepped into the room, un twisting a red wool scarf from her neck, scanning the room to look at all the boys.

"yes, Mel. She will be representing you and in most cases managing your events" Simon stated.

"you'll all have a chance to be aquatinted one on one so um, Harry you stay and boys we will talk over other details" he finished showing the boys out of the room.

The air was awkward and silent as the boys left mumbling profanities and muffled laughs.

" so you're. . Um. . . Our like-" Harry mumbled avoiding eye contact as Mel took a seat next to him, cutting him off.

"listen curly, you breathe a word about last night and I loose my job ok" she hissed after taking the realisation of who he was and-

"wa-" Harry muttered looking up to see the same dirty blond hair and blue eyes, slight anger rose in him.

" what, why should I give a shit about you I don't even know who you are and i can't remember shit from last night and um if you reslise you left me this morning" he said quickly with anger in his tone.

She was taken back by his remark. She had no idea she would be representing one flipping direction. . .

This morning she was just a girl who made a mistake and now she was the girl who had to deal with that mistake.

"Ok look I'm sorry how about we, start over" she mumbled lowering his tone avoiding eye contact once more,

"Hmmmmmmm" Harry breathed out

"I'm harry, I'm 18, I'm in a band and it's very nice to meet you," he pushed a smiled out holding his hand.

"Harry, well I'm Melissa, I'm 19, I'm a manager of some band, nice to meet you too" she smiled back shaking his warm hand.

Starting over wasn't as hard as it seemed. .



hope you liked it, I know it was a bit chlice but trust me I have a lot in store ;p

Next chap coming soon. . .

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