Chapter 31

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in which we go back to Paternity Court

Darling Blair

These two presents are from Theo and I for Christmas. Don't try to open them beforehand. You'll fail. We've been researching sealing charms. This one only ends on Christmas morning. Anyways, what happened? Why did you leave so suddenly? When Theo asked Snape, he said that you had some sort of family emergency. It seemed more urgent than that.

Write back to us when you can. Merry Christmas, we'll see you when you get back.


Blaise and Theo

Thank you for the presents, I'll be sure to open them before Christmas :). Yes, it was just a family emergency, nothing to worry about. I'll tell you all about it when I get back. Ask Daphne to get you guys your presents, she knows where they are.

Merry Christmas to you guys as well, have fun.


Emma and I both woke up somewhere between ten and eleven in the morning. At the foot of the bed were two separate piles of wrapped presents, and no matter how small it was, my heart warmed.

From Mrs. Weasley both of us got knitted jumpers, both of them dark blue with a white B and E in the center, and the both of us put it on straightaway.

From Sirius I had gotten a book on useful spells and jinxes, though he wouldn't tell me how he was able to get it. From Tonks, I got three packs of pens, and even though I knew she preferred quills over pens, it was nice to see her getting me things that I needed. From Emma, I got a fuzzy blanket after mentioning how I missed them in a letter.

From Blaise, I got a 'Potions for Dummies' and Droobles Best Blowing Gum. From Theo, I got a dark green and silver sweater, with the Slytherin crest over my heart. And...there was a small bundle, wrapped in a dirty rag that I was almost hesitant to touch.

"Hey, Emma, why don't you go down to breakfast. I'm sure everyone's already up, and Mrs. Weasley is bound to have something special for Christmas." I suggested, and Emma hesitated, but nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

I turned my attention back to the little bundle, reaching out hesitantly, and unwrapping the dirty rag, and let out a sound of confusion when I realized what it was.

It was a picture, one of the moving ones from the Wizarding World. There was a young man, one that looked suspiciously like Timothee Chalamet but with black hair, holding a small bundle of blankets in his arms. There was a gentle smile on his face and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal...the Dark Mark?

Wait...dark haired man with the Dark Mark, suspiciously young...

"Kreacher?" I called out hesitantly, unsure if it would even work. "Kreach-"

There was a crack, and in the corner of the room stood Kreacher, slightly hunched over and staring at the ground.

"The blood traitor called?" He asked, looking up for a split second, eyes flicking from me to the photograph.

"Kreacher, do you know who gave this to me?" I asked, leaning a bit closer. "Because I don't know who this is."

Kreacher fidgeted on the spot, glancing everywhere but at me.

"Kreacher, please?" I begged.

"Master Regulus Black...and his-his-" He began to wail loudly, falling face first onto the floor and beginning to beat the floor with his fists.

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