Chapter 17

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i know i don't do authors notes at the beginning of chapters, but i just wanted to say thank you so much for 1k reads!!! this is so insane, thank you so very much!!

in which we go over the evidence. not much of it honestly.

"Ssso you believe that Sssiriusss Black is your...father?"

I felt my face burn when I heard Beelzebub speak the words out loud. "I know, I know, it sounds stupid. I feel like I'm just being self-centered. It's a work in progress theory."

"You're not being ssself cccentered. It sssoundsss like it could be a possssibility. All of your pointsss make sssenssse." Beelzebub said firmly. "Ressstate the detailsss and evidenccce for me."

I groaned, but did as he asked. "I don't look like either of my parents or Eliza. I've heard people talking about how similar Sirius and I look. Dumbledore kept telling me something about my roots. Ollivander called me a Black. And I don't think Snape would stoop low enough to give Sirius false hope."

"Ssssee?" Beelzebub said, resting his chin-do snakes have chins?-on my hand. "All offf thisss makesss logical sssenssse. It cccertainly showsss you are not ssstupid."

"Gee, thanks. That makes me feel loads better." I grumbled, resting my own chin on my other arm's elbow. "Now what am I going to do about Emma? I don't think she'll ever stop being mad at me."

"She will." He said, not a trace of worry in his voice. "Sssissstersss never ssstay mad at each other fffor vvvery long."

"But it's been almost a week!" I whined, beginning to sound like a little kid in the store begging their mother for candy.

"You have bigger thingsss to worry about right now!" He reprimanded, and I almost felt ashamed for being yelled at by a talking snake, then I remembered that he had a right to do so.

"I knew it! You always get away with stuff!" I heard a voice yell, and I sat up, smiling faintly.

"It looks like we better go congratulate Mister Potter on his successful win." I said, helping Beelzebub onto my neck, and making my way downstairs.

"Everyone seems quite relieved, though, considering you all knew Iʹd get off." Harry was saying as I entered the kitchen. I threw him a smile as I waved.

"People that care will always worry." I said, taking a seat at the table. "I wasn't though. Not that I don't care, I do, I just knew everything would be okay. Wow, that made me sound like a jerk." Eh, who cares. Yolo.

Mrs. Weasley was wiping her face on her apron, and Fred, George and Ginny were doing a kind of janky dance to a chant. "He got off, he got off, he got off...ʺ

"Thatʹs enough! Settle down!" shouted Mr. Weasley, even though he was smiling too. "Listen, Sirius, Lucius Malfoy was at the Ministry-"

"What?" asked Sirius sharply.

"He got off, he got off, he got off...ʺ

"Be quiet, you three! Yes, we saw him talking to Fudge on Level Nine, then they went up to Fudgeʹs office together. Dumbledore ought to know."

"Absolutely." said Sirius. "Weʹll tell him, donʹt worry."

"Well, Iʹd better get going, thereʹs a vomiting toilet waiting for me in Bethnal Green. Molly, Iʹll be late, Iʹm covering for Tonks, but Kingsley might be dropping in for dinner." Mr. Weasley informed, moving to duck out of the kitchen.

"Vomiting toilet?" I mused, chuckling faintly at the idea of a vomiting toilet.

"He got off, he got off, he got off..."

"Thatʹs enough ‐ Fred ‐ George ‐ Ginny!" said Mrs Weasley, as Mr Weasley left the kitchen. "Harry, dear, come and sit down, have some lunch, you hardly ate breakfast."

Ron and Hermione sat themselves down opposite him, looking very happy as they did.

"Course, once Dumbledore turned up on your side, there was no way they were going to convict you." said Ron happily, now dishing great mounds of mashed potato onto everyoneʹs plates.

As he was doing so, a lump formed in my throat. Emma was entering the kitchen, moving to tap Ginny on the shoulder. She didn't even look at me.

"Yeah, he swung it for me." said Harry. He looked slightly awkward as he voiced his next thought. "I wish heʹd talked to me, though. Or even looked at me." As soon as he had said those words, he clapped a hand to his forehead, wincing in pain.

"Whatʹs up?" asked Hermione, looking alarmed.

"Scar." Harry mumbled. "But itʹs nothing... it happens all the time now."

None of the others had noticed a thing; all of them were now helping themselves to food while gloating over Harry's narrow escape; Fred, George and Ginny were still singing. Hermione looked rather anxious, but before she could say anything Ron said happily, "I bet Dumbledore turns up this evening, to celebrate with us, you know."

Doubt it. I thought picking at my potatoes glumly as I cast another glance at Emma. He's barely here as it is. He has other stuff to worry about. Like Umbridge. Holy shit, I completely forgot about Umbridge. Jesus, I was not looking forward to her.

"I donʹt think heʹll be able to, Ron." said Mrs Weasley, setting a huge plate of roast chicken down in front of Harry. "Heʹs really very busy at the moment."


"SHUT UP!" roared Mrs. Weasley.

i apologize for the shorter chapter, but this seemed like a pretty good place to stop for now.

since we've hit 1k, would you guys like me to do anything special? a q & a about myself, a q & a from blair and eliza's perspective? let me know in comments!

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