Chapter 33

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in which she tries her best

The day of OWL exams had finally arrived. Needless to say, I was scared shitless.

"Blair, I'm sure you'll do fine!" Blaise tried to reassure me as we ate breakfast, and I shushed him, not taking my eyes off of the journal I had composed over the year, filled with scribbles and chicken scratch written out notes.

"Theo, help me out." Blaise pleaded, and Theo smirked, wretching the book out of my grip and holding it out of my reach.

"If you don't eat anything, you'll be too focused on your stomach rumbling to think about the OWLs." Theo chastised, pushing a plate full of bacon and eggs towards me. I made a miserable noise, burying my face in my hands.

"I'm going to fail every single OWL." I moaned, and Blaise let out an exasperated noise.

"With that attitude, of course you are." He mumbled, pushing my arms away from my face and flicking my forehead. "Eat." He said sternly, leaning to kiss my forehead.

I froze, then made a face, then groaned, but did as he said. "It'll be over before you know it." Theo said, reaching for his own fork.

"That's what he said." I muttered.

"Did you say something?"

"Me? No, never."

Theo was right. It was over before I knew it. We only had one exam left, the History of Magic exam. I would botch that one for sure.

I was sure that I had done mediocre on most of my exams, but that the subjects I had probably done the best on, were Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions. With any lucky, I would gets E's.

I was almost done with my exam when Harry fell out of his seat, yelling in pain and clutching his scar. I turned pale as a sheet.

The beginning of the end.

I jumped out of my seat, ignoring the instructor's calls for me to sit back down as he himself hurried over to Harry. When the boy came to, he was pale, sweaty, and looked absolutely terrified.

"Harry, Harry, you're alright!" I tried to say, but Professor Tofty pushed me away, giving me a stern look.

"Young lady, go sit down this instant!" He said, and I gave him a glare, but he only gave one back. With a frustrated noise, I did as he said, nearly breaking the quill that had been given to us at the beginning of the exam.

Professor Tofty led Harry out of the Great Hall, and I watched them leave with worry in my eyes. I glanced over at Hermione, who was also looking at me, and unspoken words were exchanged, go to Harry after the exam ended.

We did just that. Ron joined us, obviously, as we hurried to find Harry. We saw him at the top of the marble staircase, and the four of us sprinted to meet in the middle.

"Harry!" Hermione said at once, looking very frightened. "What happened? Are you all right? Are you ill?"

"Where have you been?" Demanded Ron.

"Come with me." Harry said quickly. "Come on, Iʹve got to tell you something."

He led us along the first‐floor corridor, peering through doorways, and at last found an empty classroom into which he dived, closing the door behind the three of us the moment we were inside, and leaned against it, facing them.

"Voldemortʹs got Sirius."


"How dʹyou ‐?"

"Saw it. Just now. When I fell asleep in the exam."

"Harry!" I interrupted, frantic to try to keep the events at the Ministry from happening. "I promise, he doesn't have Sirius! It's a trick!"

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