Chapter 13

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in which ron assumes they're friends

I winced, knowing there was about to be loud chaos, and I was right.

There was instant uproar.

"Weʹre of age!" Fred and George bellowed together.

"If Harryʹs allowed, why canʹt I?" shouted Ron.

"Mum, I want to hear!" wailed Ginny.

"NO!" shouted Mrs Weasley, standing up, her eyes furious, "I absolutely forbid‐"

"Molly, you canʹt stop Fred and George." said Mr Weasley wearily. "They are of age."

"Theyʹre still at school." Mrs. Weasley retorted.

"But theyʹre legally adults now." said Mr Weasley, looking tired.

Mrs Weasley was scarlet in the face as she spoke. "I ‐ oh, all right then, Fred and George can stay, but Ron ‐"

"Harry and Blair'll tell me and Hermione everything you say anyway!" said Ron hotly. "Wonʹt ‐ wonʹt you?" he added uncertainly, meeting the dark haired boy's eyes before moving to me.

For a split second, Harry looked as if he was hesitating, debating whether or not he would tell his best friends anything, but it all vanished when he spoke.

"Course we will." Harry said. Ron and Hermione beamed. I grimaced slightly and shifted in my seat. Ehhhh, I wasn't going to, but now I have to.

"Fine!" shouted Mrs Weasley. "Fine! Ginny ‐ BED!"

Ginny did not go quietly. They could hear her raging and storming at her mother all the way up the stairs, and when she reached the hall Mrs Blacks ear‐splitting shrieks were added to the noise. Lupin hurried off to the portrait to restore calm. It was only after he had returned, closing the kitchen door behind him and taking his seat at the table again, that Sirius spoke.

"Okay, Harry... what do you want to know?"

Maybe twenty minutes to a half hour later, the spilling information to Harry and the others ended and Tonks pulled me aside as everyone was leaving.

"Blair, Emma asked me to take the two of you shopping tomorrow." She started and I nodded.

"If you can't, it's alright, we'll figure something out." I said, glancing at her.

"No, it's alright. I have a day off tomorrow anyway. I just wanted to let you know to be ready by eleven." I smiled and nodded.

"You got it boss." I said, she patted me on the back, turning to head towards the door. Boss? What?

"Emma, Tonks agreed to take us shopping tomorrow." I said quietly as I shut the door, only to be met with my sisters quiet breathing.

I puffed out a laugh, gently setting Beelzebub on the covers, pointing a finger at him. "Stay right there, if my sister wakes up with your face in front of her, she'll scream the house down." I whispered, moving to change into a pair or sleep shorts and a too large t-shirt.

"You know, I've never asked this, but how come you're so small?" I whispered as I crawled into bed, Beelzebub slithering to cuddle the crook of my neck. He was about the size of a medium sized garden snake, about as long as me arm from middle finger to shoulder. So, maybe a little over two feet.

"Don't know. It might be part of the ssspell that wasss cassst on me when I gained the ability to ssspeak." He said, flicking my ear with his tail. "Besides, sssize doesn't matter, doesss it?" Yes it does ladies, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I nearly imploded of laugher right then and there. "R-right." I managed to choke out, and Beelzebub looked at me in confusion.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked, and I managed to shove down the rest of my giggles.

"Nothing,'s just...a joke I used to know." I said, waving him away.

"By the way, I'm gonna have to leave you here tomorrow." I said, lightly petting his head. "I don't think many shop owners, wizards or not, will take kindly to a snake in their shop."

"Fffine." He grouched out. "At leassst it'll give me a chanccce to fffind a niccce juicccy moussse."

"Gross." I said, rolling over onto my side. "Now go to sleep, silly snake."

The last thing on my mind as I fell asleep was that Voldemort knew of my existence.

"Blair! Blair, wake up, it's already ten o'clock!" My sister screeched as she jumped on the bed, nearly shoving me off. "Tonks is gonna be here at eleven, that's what Sirius told me!"

"Jesus, give me a break, I was up late last night." I grumbled as I forced myself out of bed, ambling over to my backpack to pick out a pair of leggings and a too large green hoodie.

"Get out of the room so that I can change, you heathen." I grouched, voice deeper than normal due to sleepiness, and she stuck her tongue out at me as she scampered out the door.

I changed, and looked around for Beelzebub, who was nowhere in sight. I could only assume that he was off finding breakfast, probably a mouse or rat.

"Finallyyyyyy. You took so long!" Emma exaggerated as I walked out of the room, dressed and a bit more awake than I had been ten minutes ago.

" Stop capping." I grouched as we made our way down the stairs. "Now you know what it feels like when I always have to wait on you."

She hmphed and crossed her arms as I made a face at her.

I had missed this.

The playful banter between us, where we could poke at each other for hours and not get offended.

We hadn't had much time for it. And I didn't think that we would have much time for it, with me going to Hogwarts and all.

A weight crashed down on my shoulders. Oh god. I still had to tell my little sister about me going away. She didn't even know I was a witch. What the hell was I supposed to do? Uhhh, just leave, it'll be fine.

theres chapter 13!! thank you so much for over 600 views!

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