Chapter 34

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brief mention of torture via the cruciatus curse and some physical assault, if it triggers you please don't read that section, i will place a warning.

in which everything goes wrong.

"Are you mad? Why would you tell me to close the door?" Hermione demanded as the door slammed shut behind me. "You couldn't possibly think I'd actually do it!"

I shushed her, feeling a warm feeling in my chest. "They want you, and I figured that if the door shut, I'd be able to hold 'em off for a little bit."

Harry shook his head. "We have to go, I don't know where the other's went, but we need to find them and get out of here."

"They want the prophecy. You go, find the others. I'll tell them I have it and lead them away from you." I said, taking my wand more firmly.

Hermione shook her head adamantly. "No, we aren't going to leave you alone-right Harry?" She said glancing at Harry.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, there's loads of them, and one of you."

"They won't kill me." I said, and I was half certain. Voldemort knew that I existed, and he probably wanted to know how the war would end. Not that I would tell him.

A banging on the door that we just left, drew our attention away from the conversation at hand.

"We have to hurry, they'll be here soon!" I hissed, and shoved Harry and Hermione towards the nearest door, one that I hoped was safe. "Go, take care of each other and fight like hell!"

I had just moved away from their now shut door before the Death Eater's swarmed out of the door to the prophecy room, and I clutched my wand as they spotted me.

"Hey assholes! You looking for a prophecy?" I called, and darted towards the door to my left, seeing most of the Death Eaters follow me. I had drawn most of them away from Harry and Hermione, but I saw a couple heading to check the other doors.

When I saw the room that I had walked into, I nearly stopped in confusion, but I pushed my legs to keep moving, knowing I had to hide.

The room was filled (a better description was crammed), to the ceiling with clocks. Towers upon towers of all clocks imaginable. Sundials, pocket watches, ones to wear on your wrist, cuckoo clocks, pendulum clocks, grandfather clocks, alarm clocks. Roman numerals, numbers, words.

All of them perfectly in tune.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

"Find her!" I heard a male voice yelled, and I shrank back against the pile of clocks I was hiding, a spell at the tip of my tongue as I waited with bated breath to be found.

Multiple pairs of feet rushed around the room, occasional yells being thrown around.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." I heard a voice taunt, one that was scarily close to me. I swallowed, and watched as a Death Eater, clad in black robes and a silver mask walked past me.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, the man was thrown forward, away from me as I ran, nearly crashing into another Death Eater, and he belatedly shot a spell at me, that I was barely able to deflect away.

warning, the next section will be using the cruciatus curse and mentioning physical assault.

"Crucio!" I tripped over nothing, falling to the ground and curling into the fetal position. The pain was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It felt like burning hot needles being shoved into my skin over and over again. It felt like I would never be able to get enough air into my lungs and that I'd never be able to stand on my own again.

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