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As Y/N and Pennywise--Mikey, walked the streets, they came across a dead homeless man in a ditch, only a few feet from her house. The man had his eyes rolled back in his head and had white, bubbly, foam coming from his parted lips. 


Y/N recognized it immediately. 

 Y/N didn't really mind lugging him back to the house, hoping that this man would be suitable enough for his diet. Pennywise just staring at the body with disgust.


Y/N laid the man in the dining room, preparing to go get herself some food. She didn't really worry about the cleanup, he would take care of that. Y/N sighed softly, wiping her hands on her pants before addressing the clown.

"You really have to try to not eat children. You can eat dead things, I don't care. But you have to try to not eat kids. As hard as you can. Please?" She tried, pouting at him. The clown giving her a once over. When she didn't get an answer, she answered herself.

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Pennywise. Deal?"  

She offered a hand to him to seal their agreement." His gaze landed on her outstretched limb, head tilting just before his left eye began to wander. As if It knew what to do. He blinked back into focus, teeth growing sharp as his mouth opened. 

By now, Y/N knew better: before he could give her another terrible bite, she retracted her hand and instead used a finger to tap his small red nose. "Boop."

She laughed, Pennywise virtually frozen in mid-motion, as if his mind were trying to process what the heck had just happened. Sharp teeth returned to human stature as his mouth gradually closed, the clown looking absolutely bewildered. Like she'd tapped his reset button, or something.

 "No biting, okay? You're supposed to do THIS." She gently took one of his hands in hers, careful in giving it a friendly shake. He humored it--for a second. He then tried again to nip at her fingers, but could do nothing as she whipped them from his grasp, curling one against her thumb and flicking the tip of his nose. 

"AHT! AHT! No."

 He recoiled, covering his body part. What was THAT?! And why did it hurt?! 

"No biting. At least, no biting me, I am trying to help you remember?" she told him, shortly before her phone pinged with an incoming message. 

"What now?" she said, turning away from Pennywise to unlock it.

Lips pursed, Y/N clicked off her phone, sliding it into her back pocket, turning once again to the ginger-haired clown beside her. "Welp, I hope you'll be on your best behavior; I have to go out." She gleefully chuckled, turning to grab her keys off of the hook and waved at him on her way out the door.


When the door clicked shut, Pennywise considered re-roaming the streets after her, instead of eating her prepared meal for him. He considered going out and luring some unlucky child into an alley and taking a fill of their fear and child flesh. The thought making his mouth water in unreal anticipation.

However, he had made a deal with the minuscule human. He promised to not indulge in the sweet and savory fear of kids. Sitting down with a huff, he poked and prodded at the old corpse, the thing barely moving. He was grateful, but the real taste came from the fear, not the flesh, ergo he was no use to the clown dead. 

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