not afraid

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As soon as the voice fell on her ears, the memories came flooding back. The woman's jaw was fixed in place, one hand still gripping the sheets, the other clinging to her sleep shirt. 

Out of her four instantaneous questions, she couldn't manage the words to ask a one. 'How did he get in?' would've been her first; the door was locked last night, after everyone had gone to sleep. All windows too.

Only realizing that Pennywise was Pennywise, stupid human locks could not touch him.

"How long has it been, twenty years or so? How have you been?" Y/N found herself blurting out, a question not yet conceived in her mind. The males' stature didn't change, his puffy shoulders offering her a shrug. Her husband stirring lightly in the bed.

"It has been twenty seven years. Also, to answer your question, my feelings are of little importance, how have you been?~" he replied, speaking almost in riddles as if he couldn't yet tell time. Another long spell of silence fell, Y/N only pulling her legs close to her body. 

"Happy, very happy Penn." she said, stroking her daughters hair, the man stirring again. "I really didn't remember you, you didn't even age."

At last, the statue-like stance he'd assumed finally broke. Exaggerated sadness claimed his crimson-lined face as he stood straight, hands lowering from their previous supporting of his head.

 "You didn't remember me? You don't remember Pennywise?" He asked, mock offense in his voice.

"Now I do. But the Pennywise I knew was way back when." Her hand left its place against her stomach to gradually reach behind her and grab her pillow. 

"He was- you were my closest friend, you left me." She sighed, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

A slight giddiness returned to the clown's character as he excitedly grasped at the bed frame. 

"Oh, but now, I am back! I have awaken from my sleep, indeed~ If I didn't, we wouldn't be talking now, would we?~" He giggled, the girl cracking a smile and clutching the pillow in her hands a few times, considering throwing it at the clown.

Y/N climbed from the bed, the clown jitterly running to her side. He flung himself into her arms he girl hugging him tightly, his expression just as silly as she remembered. When they had pulled back from each other, Pennywise fixed his gaze on the little girl and the man asleep in the large canopy bed.

"You did good Y/N," he complimented. His words were unsettling, what was he thinking? Especially of her daughter. A thought that made Y/N furrow her short brows and gave her pause. 

"Thank you, Pennywise" She took a second to think. Then anger. "If you even think for a moment about..."

More jingling of his collar. "No need. If I wanted to digest your offspring, I could have already done it.~" He cooed. He seemed a lot different this time around, more deranged.

A sort of staring contest ensued. Until her eyes narrowed. "Pennywise. Even though you were my best friend, don't think for a minute that if you threaten my family that I won't end your life." She fearlessly stated, pushing herself in front of her sleeping child and into Pennywise's view. She was no longer that bubbly, carefree woman that he knew, she was now a mama bear with bills and car payments.

His smiling lips only slipped shut as bright-blue eyes transitioned to gold.

His head faintly tilted. "My special little human, Y/N, is that a threat?"

Her gaze faltered, briefly dropped to his exposed teeth. Her heart's pace increased a beat. "If I said yes, would you attempt something?"

Hesitance. If she'd said yes, would he? Surely, since he had been awakened, his powers were at full effect, he could deal some real damage. Ignite a little fear, inflict the same wounds as a rabid dog. In theory, It could eat Y/N and her whole family right now, if It wanted to. But...did he?

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