yippee ki-yay motherfuuuuu-!

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After she discarded the cat carcass in a shoe box, planning to bury it, Rocky began to bark again. She turned her face slowly, afraid the creature was waiting to scare her. And it was as predicted, It was there, but not as far as she thought, as soon as she turned, she could see the clown's face from the corner of her eye.

It was so close she could feel Its breath, popcorn, cotton candy and something rotten, as if something had died inside It. She huddled against the door, trying to get as far away from It as possible.

Y/N thought about what It would do, would this thing kill her or leave like every other time? She waited a few seconds, but no reaction was noticed. She turned her face back to look over her shoulder. Yeah, It was still there. But why wouldn't It move? Why didn't It do anything? She took a deep breath. She swallowed and turned quickly, now facing the clown, who was looking at her in disgust.

"Hey, your snout still hurting from my hand?" Y/N chuckled.

She stared at the clown, her eyes shining with confidence. The smile on its face faded, resembling the look earlier, but he had a tinge of disgust on his white face. No doubt smelling her confidence, but its teeth reappeared, curling into a tight abnormal smile.

In the middle of overthinking she managed form a sentence, a question that she wanted answered since seeing the clown for the first time.

"Why are you bothering me?"

The clown's smile twists even more, its two large rabbit teeth sticking out of its mouth, which it couldn't close because they were too big. It shakes, as if happy, and turns its gaze to the girl's chest, staring at the spot just below her neck.

"That's not a difficult question. One, You live in my house." It says, now looking the girl in her eyes. "Two, I like it. I like you. You smell horrid, but you are a funny little human." It continued.

"Can I show you a trick?" He asked, his eyes becoming more cocked.

"What kind of trick?"

"The kind of trick that would benefit us both. It will improve your smell." The clown spoke.

"I really don't stink!" The girl shouted defensively.

"Unless you're scared of course." The clown teased, his eyes turning golden like before.

"Never that."

The surge of courage that had coursed through the girl's body made Pennywise bend back slightly, a little farther from her. Y/N just thought he would do some sleight of hand trick, or pull a quarter from behind her ear. Normal clown stuff. But as always, the clown proved her wrong.

Pennywise opened its mouth slowly, holding his hands out in a cupped position right under her chin. Its lips opening wider than they should be, countless rows of teeth covering its entire mouth. She knew she should be afraid, but she just stared, as if this were normal in her routine. The seconds went by and the clown's mouth opened wider, and finally she could see three lights. The moment she made eye contact with them she was breathless, she tried opening her mouth to pull in oxygen, but she couldn't. He was glad he made the choice to hold his hands under her, as she began to float into the air, her legs limply kicking. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and glazed over. When she tried to close her mouth, she couldn't do that either, it was as if someone was holding her mouth open. But it wasn't a bad feeling, it was like giving a long yawn. A thin line of blood flew from her nostril, said blood that usually would have dripped from her nose, floated up just as she did. 

The deadlights of the thing came out of its mouth. Only a few seconds passed while the mortal and immortal dance took place, but to the girl, it seemed like an eternity, one she wish she could relive again soon, as strange as it was.

Pennywise felt her strength drain away, returning its mouth to normal and catching her before she fell to the ground. Meanwhile Y/N leaned against him, felt her legs weak and sweat pooling, which she hadn't noticed, coming down her back and forehead, she felt extremely tired and strangely sick. It was literally the feeling she had when she had the flu, only ten times stronger. She tried to hold on to the arm she felt under her but fell, exhausted and sweaty.

She realized that she no longer felt anything she should feel, it was as if in front of her was her friend, not an ancient monster that probably fed on human flesh. Her feelings for the creature seemed old, as if she'd known it for years, as if its presence was comforting, different from what it had been before: extremely uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to say something, only getting a dumb gurgling sound. As if he scrambled her brain.

It staggered to its feet, wanting to leave as soon as possible, frustrated that she was not wetting herself with fear yet, but it's as if something wouldn't let it go. A tug on its fluffy red button urged it to stay there with the black girl, but it had to leave, it didn't want to admit that this had happened, that it had linked itself to a human. The clown only wanted to scare her, only her being so unfazed that it did not work. The demon laid her on the floor and scurried from the room like a spider, leaving her there.

When the girl managed to calm her breathing she felt a warmness in her, an immense pain coming from her chest. She didn't know why but she began to cry, cringing to the floor, pulling her legs to her chest and resting her face on her knees. She didn't want to accept it, but she couldn't stop thinking that she was missing something. The last thing she heard as she lulled herself to sleep was the barking of Rocky and the creak of the basement stairs.


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