Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My ears continued to ring with that slight, unearthly resonance, my mind still foggy with what had happened moments before.

"What is going on with her?" Alex repeated his earlier question after moving to sit in the chair next to us. My fingers closed around his hand when he exclaimed, "All of her vitals are elevated since I last treated her."

Micah's jaw tightened at his words, and concerned, I snuggled against him. In a stiff voice, he surprised us both by saying, "Thank you for looking after her the other night." He was clearly unhappy about it, however his gratitude tasted genuine.

"I understand you did it for your friend Reese," Micah said when I tried to apologize for leaving the valley. "You've been without friends for so long you've got a lot of lost time to make up for," he said when I put my free arm around his neck, hugging him on impulse for the relief it brought knowing he understood. "I'm not angry with you."

"I know," I said softly.

"It's not a problem. I'm more than willing to help you keep her safe whenever I can," Alex said, acknowledging Micah's gratitude before the discussion returned to my well-being. Micah appeared surprised by the other's words, and I found myself wondering about them myself. By admitting to Micah that he wanted to work with him to keep me safe, Alex seemed to be offering an olive branch. Although there also seemed to be some unspoken hesitance, a thought he was entertaining.

I got the distinct feeling there was something more Alex wanted to discuss with Micah. Perhaps the incident with the sun devvi showing up at the mall. That's got to be it, I decided as Alex pressed fingers to my wrist again, re-checking my pulse. Surely Micah, as my guardian, would want to know, so why didn't Alex want to bring it up in front of me?

"Her heartbeat is fast."

"It has returned to normal," Micah corrected.

Alex's voice went quiet as he said, "This pace would only be normal if her vitals resembled ours."

Micah gave him a pointed look, and Alex's mouth set in a tight line.

"Her body's going through a transitioning phrase," he diagnosed, and Micah nodded. "Your group was expecting it? You don't seem surprised."

"I wasn't anticipating this," Micah began, letting us see his concern. "While her body has always functioned at a capacity close to human, I have come to believe the 'us' in her has been in a dormant state. Our Alpha finally admitted she's been giving her something—I guess her entire life—to suppress the devvi in her. I don't know what the substance is, but I'd venture to say it isn't working anymore."

"She gave me a detox," I said to Micah. "I heard her discussing it with you. She gave me a blue drink yesterday."

A growl slipped from him. "She said it was to rid your body of something that has been suppressing your full potential."

"Probably the other substance." Alex's brow furrowed. "Surely they keep health records back at your offices? I can have my lawyers draw up a summons for their release. I can say my reason is for insurance purposes, since she lives in my territory."

A short silence fell over the table, the two of them looking at the space that separated them, my outstretched arm connecting us. Alex in particular seemed to study the way in which I held on to them both. A curious light passed through his eyes, the one that I'd come to recognize as him thinking.

"That could work," Micah finally agreed with Alex's suggestion to send for my health records. He rested his chin on top of my head. "I think she's almost at the end of this ordeal. I'm hoping it's a twenty-four-hour thing."

"What am I going to be like after I'm done transitioning?" I whispered. They both gave me encouraging looks.

"Stronger?" Micah said, and Alex gave a slight nod. "Faster as well."

"Possibly even as fast as us," he agreed. They then exchanged a look of realization between them.

"What do you think this will mean for her lifespan," Alex asked quietly, and Micah briefly closed his eyes, making a small sound.

"I really want to get my hands on those records." Micah's hold shifted on me when a commotion broke out in the cafeteria.

"You and me both," Alex agreed.

He turned when the lunchroom monitor blew her whistle, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of Bettihemae in the middle of the ruckus. It seemed she was arguing with the students banned from the fieldtrip.

"You'd think that she would have a subtler way of getting my attention," he said, tone irritated.

He gave my hand a squeeze, the gesture full of unspoken meaning before our fingers parted, dissolving the feeling of three-way connection that had developed in me while the boys had been touching me.

"If you need anything else from me, ask it now," he said, his gaze still on Bettihemae. Chestnut hair swirling, she swung an arm, and somebody's lunch tray went flying.

"Her spectral sight has come in. I expect she'll be well enough for me to work with her tomorrow afternoon," Micah said.

Bettihemae stood her ground, hands fisted, as if ready to take on the oncoming lunch monitor; a table had been turned on its side. The shit was about to hit the fan.

"You'll need to take her out of the valley's ambience to train her without interference." Alex shifted to leave. "Turn onto Hemlock Road. Follow it through the woods until you're two hills removed of the valley. There's a clearing on top of the second hill. Teach her there. I'll have the wind devvis clear the area of umbrae and keep guard."

And with that he was off to do damage control.

"I don't know how he can put up with that craziness so diplomatically," Micah remarked.

"The instability isn't in her mind. I think it's in her hormones," I told him when he turned to me. "I asked Indy about it. She's going to do some research for me."

"Aurora," Micah said, expression growing concerned. "I want you to stay away from her. Even without your clairvoyance I can see for myself that she's not safe to be around." He touched my chin when I gave him my stubborn face. "Little one, please," he murmured close.

"Please promise me you will stay away from his cousin."

He sent his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp, static tingling. Sighing, I closed my eyes, my determination melting. It so wasn't fair, going all-electrical, distracting me with...good sensations.

Good sensations that would possibly feel even better if Alex was also touching me. At that thought, a shiver rippled through me, core deep, like an aftershock. My god, had that really been my two souls I heard when I zoned out?

"Fine. I'll stay away from her," I finally agreed with reluctance.


VOTE if you think it is unlikely that Aurora will heed Micah's warning about staying away from Bettihemae ;)

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