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Her cheeks and neck were flushed a delicate pink

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Her cheeks and neck were flushed a delicate pink. A few tears still clung to her face, spots of bodily water that seemingly caught the light of some unknown source.

I should have found it strange, but I didn't, these shining spots that bejeweled her. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps it was a bit of her hidden aura showing through. Her aura, the frictional light her two souls created, should only be visible with second sight. It wasn't supposed to be beheld with the physical eye, and that it was doing so, now on multiple occasions, made me wonder if this was a new challenge on our hands.

With my free hand, I touched one of the glittering teardrops. It came away easily, clung to my fingertip, no longer lighted.

The glowing pinpoints were positioned as such on her face that I didn't think she realized they were there. She did not know she was leaking aura. What she saw on my finger was a regular teardrop. Micah, however, saw. His worried look told me he did. We kept it to ourselves, not wanting to spoil the moment for her.

With a slow blink, Aurora brought my hand up to her face and sent her lips gently across my knuckles. The gesture stopped my breath, rendering me as still as stone as she spoke. Her words that followed brought forth the remembrance of a conversation we had had earlier tonight. Standing mid-creek, with the current pulling at our legs, I talked in incomplete riddles, for I had a question for her, balanced precariously on my lips.

For it wasn't the time, nor my place to be asking. I could only impress upon her that I wished to fantasize that the answer to my unspoken request was her.

Gazing into her eyes now, I realized she knew what the question was. Maybe not in so many exact words, but she knew the essence of it.

Aurora touched lips to the back of my hand again and told me, "I'll be the answer to your question, if you'll answer mine."

At last, I exhaled, at last I could take in breath after breath. "Ask it, please." My hand spasmed in her gentle grip.

"Do you want to be with us? Join us?"

With the force of my response building in my center, I went to answer immediately, but found that I could not. Her other hand went over my mouth, fingers splayed wide across my one cheek. The gold mark on her palm was a hot spot against my silenced lips.

"Tell me not with words, but in the manner I understand...please." She wanted me to kiss her.

I wanted to—needed to—take her into my arms and give her all I was worth, in the hope that my inherent value was enough.

I hesitated. I shouldn't have, but the pause was there. Not because I wasn't prepared to fully commit, but rather, I thought of the last time we kissed—the first time. Back at the creek, she was in heat. The draw of it, the intoxication, had nearly driven us to breeding, but I didn't sense the call to mate coming from her now. Neither did I taste the metallic essence of her overflowing emotions from earlier. No, what I sensed now rising between us in our closeness was a sweetness. Faint at first, then stronger after the impassioned moment with Micah.

Sun Catch Her (Book 1: Three Rivers Deep series) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now