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I hesitated, my attention going to Micah

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I hesitated, my attention going to Micah. He was settled in at her other side. I couldn't see his face, buried in the pillows and her hair. Her long, black hair was fanned out around and above her, stretched out so its dampness would dry. She really did have a sprinkling of flower petals in her hair. Something dark. Like black or deep red roses, though I was quite unsure of where they would've been picked.

Finally, I found my voice. "You look like a radiant damsel plucked straight from a fairytale."

"Funny, I don't feel make believe. I feel very real. Too real." She winced a bit after I took her hand and she pulled to persuade me onto the blue silk.

"Your arm hurts?" I knelt on the mattress and moved closer next to her. I could see from this angle that Micah's eyes were open when I took Aurora's arm, extended it and began to inspect it. It was the right arm, the one I had healed. "It shouldn't be hurting. I quite thoroughly injected it with healing solution."

"It's more of an ache," she said. She bent her fingers for me when I asked her to do so. Micah lifted his head and ran a hand down her side, a gesture meant to soothe. "It didn't really pain me much until I pulled, not like the rest of me."

"How do you mean?"

She hesitated, appearing to think it over. "I just...ache. All over. And it's not even the pain that one gets from strenuous exercise. It's much deeper. Like bone deep. I wonder..."

She paused again and brought up both hands to look at them when I let go of her arm. Palms positioned face out, perhaps so she wouldn't have to see the gold marks. She studied the back of her hands. She touched the knuckles on the one, and made as if she was measuring the distance from one to the next.

"What is it? What do you see, little one?" Micah asked. His hand rubbing her side slowed, and he kissed her shoulder.

"It's minute but I'm sure." She curled her hands into fists, then extended them again and said, "My fingers are longer." She made a little sound that may have been a whimper, like something hurt when she next moved her one leg, lifting and bending it before settling it back on the bed. "I wonder," she whispered, and put a hand against Micah's cheek when he pressed lips to her temple, "I wonder if I've grown?"

I understood now. She suspected the bodily ache of being growing pains.

"I want to know," she insisted as she went to sit up and Micah tried to persuade her to be still.

"Rest. We'll measure you first thing when you're well enough."

But no, Aurora would have none of it. She wanted to stand next to the wall. She wanted to mark her height and have it measured. "It'll only take a minute," she insisted, and she looked to me because I hadn't said anything in protest. The girl had a stubborn streak, one that wasn't too unlike my younger sister.

Sun Catch Her (Book 1: Three Rivers Deep series) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now