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With her eyes shut fully, that strange effect sealed off, Micah moved about to take her over to the pool

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With her eyes shut fully, that strange effect sealed off, Micah moved about to take her over to the pool. With the utmost care, he gathered her to him, as if in her limp state she could be easily broken. Or maybe it was that he didn't want to arouse her. Now that her arm was healed, the intense pain of it gone, she appeared to be only sleeping.

It was decided that we'd first lower her into the pool, then remove the slip she wore. The undergarment was all that remained of the outfit she had donned to go to the autumn formal over at the Academy. The shimmering dress had been spun from ether, an aura enhancing material, and its effect had worked a little too well.

She had been a lovely thing to behold, a rainbow of colors radiating in billows, if cloth could be light and float in mid-air without the aid of an updraft. However, the brilliance of it had attracted the attention of every umbra in the area, and luckily, me. I'd gotten to her in time to rush her away from pursuers who would have torn her apart and devoured her life essence.

The full-body slip had been under the dress when she removed it later. Now it stuck to her skin. The rose hue that misted both her and Micah had adhered to the soft silk. It would take being dipped in the water to loosen it. The pale red covered her more thickly and thoroughly than Micah.

"It's on her back, too," he said in a voice that sounded choked. "Does this's as if..." He couldn't finish the thought. Holding her tightly, he lowered his head to hers, placed his cheek to her forehead, and briefly shut his eyes. "The red mist is from her," he finally got out.

"It is," I said softly, those two words just above a whisper as I peered at her one leg only inches away. "The energy blast must have caused a trace amount of blood to burst from her every pore."

A low sound came from her guardian, a moan bordering on a sob. The sound filled with regret. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to gaze down at her. "I should have known what she was up to. Should have realized and stopped her."

"What did she do?" I asked as I placed my hands under her knees to help lower her into the pool. The purified water instantly accepted her, readily took to her body as if it recognized there was something different about the young woman in its midst. Normally a body would float until pressed down. Aurora sank almost immediately, her head kept above the surface by Micah's cupped hands. Her body bubbled and foamed like an Alka-Seltzer tablet, the purified water healing every minute cut and scrape. Soon a pinkish hue spread out all around her, the dried blood beginning to lift, the pattern of it forming on the surface like a giant flower petal. It mixed with the dark ink of her hair that outlined her upper body before flowing away, the pool's state-of-the-art filtration system removing it.

While Micah angled her to expose one side, I took up a pair of scissors from my medical kit and began to cut the slip from her, starting mid-thigh and ending under her arm. I also took care to ease the scissor blade under her underwear at the hip, and then snip loose her strapless bra. Two more careful snips to the delicate shoulder straps and the silk undergarments peeled off easily. Not wanting to overstep any boundaries, I left the actual removal process up to Micah. He was her guardian after all. And her Beta, the first male she had taken unto herself.

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