17) Kiss and Make Up

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Addison stared at Dixie seeing the tears forming in her eyes. She thought long and hard about what Dixie had just said. She stood up and walked over to her. She stood in front of her and Dixie quickly stood up to meet her eyes. She was holding her breath, afraid of what Addison was going to say.

"I'm sorry." Dixie blinked and cocked her head. "What?" Addison spoke calmly and began tearing up, "I'm so sorry. You're right, just because Noah's my brother doesn't give me the right to say you can't date him. And I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me. I want to know everything about you're life, and I'm so happy that you're happy. That's all I care about. I shouldn't have been so harsh. You were really hurting and instead of helping you I acted like a total bitch" They lightly giggled. "I want what's best for you, no matter what that is. I just want you to be happy." "Really?" Addison nodded her head and smiled. Dixie let out a sigh of relief and embraced Addison in a hug. They both began crying, this time tears of joy, on each other's shoulders. "I love you so much!" Addison cries back, "I love you too!" They both laugh and sniffle.

"Dixie?" Charli got up and came over to where they were standing. They both turned to her. She didn't say anything, just smiled, and hugged them both. They all wrapped their arms around each other and laughed. Avani jumped up, "Me too, me too!" She joined the hug and they all started giggling. Dixie was finally happy for the first time in over a week.

They all hugged and smiled for a few moments before pulling away. Dixie's smile slowly faded. She took a deep breath and turned to Noah. She smiled at him hopefully but nervously, "Do you wanna talk?"

Noah hadn't taken his eyes off of her since he asked his question. He listened to every word she said and formed his opinion. "No." Dixie let out the air in her chest and looked at the floor, "Ok, I understand." 

Noah quickly got up and walked over to her. "I don't think you do. I don't wanna talk, cause I don't think we need to." Dixie looked at him and a small, hopeful smile crept on her face. Noah smiled and grabbed her cheek. She let out a small giggle as she leaned in to meet Noah's lips.

They kissed for the first time in what felt like ages. It was a sweet, but passionate kiss. Dixie pulled away smiling, "I love you, Noah." "I love you too, Dixie." They were grinning from ear to ear, staring straight into one another eyes. Addison began jumping up and down, "WHOO! My best friend is in love!" They all burst into laughter as Noah held on to Dixie's waist.

Dixie threw her hand in the air, "Alright! Who's ready for dessert!" They all laughed and hollered. They ran into the kitchen to grab ice cream and cake. Dixie observed as everybody danced around the kitchen with joy. Everything was finally ok. Nobody was mad, there were no secrets, and everyone was having an awesome summer. But then it hit her. There was less than a month left of summer, and Noah would soon be leaving for college.

What did that mean for them? Would Noah want to break up with her? She didn't know how they would make long-distance work. She didn't want to worry about it now and ruin the rest of the night. 

"Noah? Can I talk to you?" Everyone looked at Marc and froze. He was staring at Noah, not looking necessarily angry but definitely not happy. His intimidating gaze stayed on Noah as he gestured for him to go into the guest room. Noah gulped and took a step towards the room. Dixie put her hand in front of him, "Dad!" Marc kept his eyes fixed on Noah. "I just want to talk to him... about soccer." Dixie rolled her eyes. Why did he even bother making up an excuse? She turned to Noah and shrugged, rolling her eyes. He looked at her and then walked past Marc into the room.

Dixie inhaled and crossed her arms as she turned to Charli. She raised an eyebrow at her. Charli cringed, "Sorry!" Dixie shook her head, "You had to say it." Charli let out a laugh, "I don't even feel bad! It was funny" She turned around and skipped over to the fridge. Dixie turned to Addison, "We need to catch up!" Dixie forgot about everything else and turned to her. "Ok ok, what do you want to know?" "Everything!"

Marc closed the door and Noah sat down on the bed. "Listen sir, I'm really sor-" "I think I should speak first." Noah sealed his lips and tried to brace himself. "I've known you since you were very young. I've known Dixie her whole life." He smiled as his own joke and Noah tried to smile with him, but it was hard to do through his nerves. "Dixie has had boyfriends before, but if anyone is good enough for her it's you." 

Noah pulled a shocked face. He was NOT expecting that at all. "I'm very angry you too didn't tell us, but I suppose she is an adult. So while it upsets me, I can't be too mad." Noah just stared at him, he didn't know how to respond. "Usually this would be the part of my speech where I give my rules and tell them what I'll do to them if they hurt Dixie." Noah gulped again. "But I know you won't hurt her. You're a good man Noah. Thank you for making my daughter happy." He sticks out his hand and Noah stares at it.

He finally comprehended what had just happened. He got up and shook his hand. They pat each other on the back and Noah smiled, "Thank you, sir!" "No problem son." 

Dixie was sitting on her bed, she had just finished telling Addison all about her and Noah. When she first liked him, what happened at the beach, on the 4th of July, and when she realized she loved him. Addison stared at her eagerly waiting for her to continue. "What? That's all." "You're missing one part." Addison wiggled her eyebrows and Dixie knew what she was talking about, "Seriously? You really want to know about that? Addison laughed, "No of course not! No details cause that's disgusting. Just, when have you done it?" Dixie rolled her eyes and cringed. "Um... My birthday after you left and in Ha-" Her eyes widened. 

Addison jumped up, "HAWAII!! When? Wait where?!" Dixie laughed awkwardly, "Um.. 2nd day. My bed, after you guys went down to the hot tub." Addison gasped, "Dixie! You naughty girl!" Dixie burst out awkwardly laughing and cringing. "Addi I'm so uncomfortable right now!" Addison was cackling, she loved seeing Dixie so uncomfortable. It was funny.

As if being saved by the bell, Noah opened the door and smiled at Dixie. "Adds, can I talk to Dixie?" Addison turns to Dixie and laughs at her. Then she got up and left them alone.

They stared at each other. Dixie got up from her bed and ran to Noah. She smashed her lips against his and held his neck. He wrapped his arms around her hips and kissed her back with force. They made out for a little while, then sat down on the bed to talk.

"So, I really wanna talk to you about something." Dixie looked Noah in the eyes. She was afraid to bring up this conversation, but it was one they had to have.


hey bubs! <3

 EVERYTHING IS OKAY NOW! I'll keep the drama to a minimum now. The rest of the story will be more sweet moments with some small complications. Unless you guys would prefer more drama, just let me know! (word count- 1345)

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