kissing in front of the girls

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You opened the door to the girls' practice room. You expected to hear loud music and see your girlfriend dancing her heart out.

But you realized quickly that they were taking a quick break. All their backs were turned to you as they conversed about something, which allowed for you to sneak up behind Moonbyul.

You covered her eyes and moved your lips to her ear to playfully say, "Guess who,"

She pretended to think about it for a minute, making you roll your eyes and the girls laugh. She took your hand into hers and dropped it at her side before turning to see you, giving you those big beautiful eyes that you love so much.

"You came to visit me?"

"Yeah. I wanted to see how you were doing and if you'd gotten the chance to eat yet. I know how hard you work and I wanted to bring you some food just in case." You said, nodding to the small container of her favorite food in your hand.

She took it from your hand and gently placed it onto the floor before picking you up in her arms and giving you a tight hug. You burst out laughing as she spun you around and held you so tight that you couldn't get out of her arms.

"You're just the sweetest." She said before she kissed the side of your head. She looked from you and onto the hardwood floor to make sure it was clear before she gently put your feet on the ground once more.

But she still kept her arms around you to hold you close. Forehead dropping to yours, she brushed her thumb across your cheek lovingly.

"I love you and I care about you. You work hard, you deserve a good meal."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," you mumbled before leaning in to press your lips onto hers and pull her in for a sweet kiss. Her hand gently fell onto your cheek, cupping it in the palm of her hand as your lips moved in perfect sync for as many loving kisses you could steal.

"Moonbyul? Moonbyul!" Solar called out, making your girlfriend pull away from your lips.

The girls were quick to tease her but all in good fun as you buried your face in her neck and breathed in the smell of her perfume that barely lingered on her skin.


"Hey, y/n," Wheein waved and you shook your head as your cheeks flushed and waved back at her.

"We've still got a little practicing to do."

"Right." She nodded and looked back at you. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"I'll wait for you." You smiled, stealing a kiss from her lips. "I love you. Good luck."

"Thanks, baby. Thank you for the food. You're amazing." She spoke before kissing quickly across your face, making you laugh and squirm out of her arms before you walked out and back to your car, already so excited for her to come home in a few hours.

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