she gets jealous (requested)

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"Let's see. What should I get?" Moonbyul spoke aloud as she looked through the menu.

"Everything looks so good." You said, making her look up from her menu.

Reaching across the table, she placed her hand over yours and sent you a bright smile.

"Get whatever you want tonight. It's my treat." She said.

"Thank you." You said and watched her nod her head before leaning back in her seat and looking back over the menu.

Tonight marks your two-month anniversary with Moonbyul and to make it special, she brought you to the nicest place in the city.

It's your first date in a couple of weeks since she's been so busy lately and she wanted to treat you like a queen tonight.

Looking away from her menu, she stared across the table at you with bright eyes, swearing that she was more smitten than ever.

She only looked away when she was surprised by the waitress' sudden appearance.

"Hi, ladies! What can I get you tonight?"

Moonbyul put her hand over her racing heart until it started to slow a little and then she looked back at her menu.

She knew what she wanted as soon as her eyes landed on it.

She put her menu down and looked at the waitress, only to find that her eyes were practically glued to you.

"Everything looks so good, I don't know what to pick!" You chuckled and Moonbyul smiled at you when you lifted your head to look at her.

"Can I suggest a few things?" The waitress asked, biting her lip as she stared at you.


"Well, first off, I would suggest the pasta." She said as she leaned over the table, showing off to you. "If you don't like that, the chef's salad is also really good. Or even the shrimp."

Moonbyul rolled her eyes at the waitress trying to show off to you.

"The pasta sounds really good." You said. "Maybe that's what I'll get."

"Good choice." The waitress spoke as she wrote it down. "What's your name by the way?"

"Y/N." You said.

"That's a beautiful name. God, you are just so beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful."

You looked at Moonbyul to find her biting the inside of her cheek as she tried to resist snapping at the waitress.

But when she watched her brush her fingers across your hand, she grew too jealous to hold back any longer.

"You're so soft too. You're just perfect. We should go out sometime."

"Her girlfriend says no to that," Moonbyul said as she clenched her fist.

The waitress looked at Moonbyul with big eyes.

"I know she's beautiful and her hands are so soft and you just have the biggest crush on her but that's just too damn bad because she's taken. She's mine."

"Oh." The waitress spoke with a nervous chuckle. "I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"I'd appreciate it if you stop flirting with my girl. No more or else we'll be switching waitresses."

"Okay, I won't, I promise." The waitress said.

"And I want this," Moonbyul said before pointing at the menu item.

The waitress wrote it down.

"Good. Now leave my girl and me alone, please. Today is our two-month anniversary and we would appreciate some alone time."

The waitress nodded before grabbing the menus and hurrying off.

Moonbyul got up and came over to your booth before climbing in beside you.

Wrapping her arm around you, she pulled you close and kissed your lips a few times.

"I think she's gone, babe." You chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she got the hint."

"Good. She better have. I don't like the way she was looking at you or talking to you. You're mine, all mine." She said with a cute little pout.

"That I am, baby. So you don't have anything to worry about, okay?" You said as you caressed her cheek. "I only like you."

"I feel the same way." She smiled before kissing your forehead. "I'm sorry for getting jealous."

"Don't. It was kinda hot." You said with a smirk and watched her laugh happily.


You nodded as she leaned in for another kiss.

"Good to know, darling," She spoke against your lips as she pulled you closer, happily kissing you again and again.

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