she's cold

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"Goodnight, Moonbyul." You mumbled and gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning off the light beside your bed.

Tonight is the first night she's spending with you and although she's happy to get to stay by your side all through the night, she was a little unprepared.

The storm had hit from out of nowhere and it hit hard. You, of course, offered to let your girlfriend crash with you for the night since neither of you felt comfortable with her heading out in it. But this was sudden, which meant that Moonbyul didn't have any of her things with her; including some warmer clothes.

She tried to snuggle up under your blankets, hoping they'd be enough to keep her warm. But she continued to shiver. It wasn't freezing, but there was a cool breeze rushing through your bedroom window that you always keep open just a crack to allow some air in to keep your room cozy.

She tried to fall asleep. But she was a little uncomfortable with how cold she was getting. She tried to stay still and simply hug the blanket closer and closer to her body. But the more she did, the more it lifted from your body.

"Moonbyul?" You flipped the light back on and rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

At the sound of your voice and the sudden light in the previously dark bedroom, Moonbyul turned over to look at you. Looking down, she saw that she'd stolen most of your blanket from you. She sent you a small, sad smile and tried to give you more of the blanket.

"No, baby, it's alright." You assured and rubbed your hand along her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm a little cold. But I didn't bring anything with me, since I didn't originally plan on staying the night." She explained and stared at her fingers, only to watch them be lifted from her thigh and then intertwined with your own.

"Don't you worry. I can fix that!"

You got out of bed and went to your closet. You searched through all the clothes that were all hung up until you came across it; Your favorite sweater. It was a beautiful shade of blue and it was soft and always keeps you warm.

"Here, my love. That'll keep you cozy." You sent her a smile as you handed it over to her. She happily accepted it and pulled it over her head.

Your heart melted when it was all the way on. She looked adorable.


She giggled and stole a small kiss from your lips before she nodded her head. "Much better. Thank you!" She laid back down and when you turned off the light and laid beside her, she pulled you right into her arms.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Moonbyul. Sleep well."

Moonbyul Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now