you're the fifth member and the girls find out you're dating (requested)

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Moonbyul stirred over the sound of her bedroom door opening and closing.

But she didn't open her eyes until she felt a hand brush against her arm.

Her eyes flew open and she reached over to turn on the light before rubbing her eyes to see you standing there.

"Y/N? What time is it?"


Six thirty.

That meant that Moonbyul had a half hour before Solar would be coming in to wake her up to make sure she was up and ready for the performances and interviews that today would be consisting of.

She wasn't ready to get up but she could see that something was bothering you and that worried her.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I had a horrible dream." You said. "I know that we have to be up soon but can you cuddle me for a little while?"

"Of course, my love. Here, get in." She said as she pulled the blanket back a little and had you climb under it.

You laid down in her bed and curled up as close to her as you could before burying your face in her neck.

You closed your eyes and breathed in the scent of her body wash that lingered on her skin, bringing you comfort.

That's something you desperately needed after the nightmare that you had, which Moonbyul was quick to ask you about in hopes that you telling her about it would make you feel a little more at ease.

"Do you want to tell me about your bad dream? Perhaps it would help you feel better."

"No." You said. "It was too much. I don't want to talk about it or think about it. I only want to forget about it."

"Shh, okay," She comforted as you got a little worked up. "That's alright, I understand."

You opened your eyes and looked up at her from where your head rested on her shoulder and a small smile pulled at her lips when your eyes met hers.

"I'm here for you, sweet girl."

"Thank you." You said before sighing sadly. "I'll have to go to my room again in a few so Solar and the girls don't see us together."

Moonbyul held you a little tighter and laid her head on yours gently.

You were both thinking the same thing at that moment; wishing that you could stay in this moment forever.

But you couldn't.

Despite dating for the last three months, no one knows that you're together.

Your relationship is very private and very secretive.

You haven't told a single soul yet and you don't plan to anytime soon.

Not because you don't trust people like the girls with the information but rather that you enjoy having your relationship be so private and so secure and right now, you don't want to change that.

"Are you doing okay?" Moonbyul asked you softly, breaking the silence in the air.

"Yeah, I'm alright. You're making me feel better. You're warm and cozy and you smell good."

She smiled sleepily and ran her fingers through your hair as you drifted back off to sleep in her arms.

Time passed by much too fast for Moonbyul's liking and she knew that if you got caught cuddling like this with her, your relationship would be known by the girls.

But she didn't like the thought of you leaving her embrace, especially when you need her so badly.

And she was feeling pretty exhausted herself, making her fall back into a peaceful slumber before she could say or do anything.

So when the door opened a few minutes after seven and you were still wrapped up in Moonbyul's embrace, neither of you was all that surprised that you hadn't moved and you'd been caught.

"What's going on here?" Hwasa asked from the doorway.

Though Solar was supposed to be the one waking everyone up, Hwasa decided to come in and wake Moonbyul while Solar wakes Wheein.

"Are you two cuddling?" She asked.

"Yeah. Y/N had a bad dream so she came in here." Moonbyul said before looking down at you.

You nodded your head, wordlessly telling her that if she wanted to confess your relationship, you were alright with it.

"Besides, cuddling is what couples do."

Moonbyul's words took Hwasa by surprise.

"Couples? You're dating!?"

She shouted the last part and upon doing so, she caught the attention of Wheein and Solar, who came running.

"What's going on?" Wheein asked.

"Moonbyul and Y/N are dating!"

"You are?" Solar grinned as she looked between the two of you.

"Yeah." You smiled back at her. "We have been for three months now."

"And you're just telling us now?" Hwasa gasped.

"We were trying to keep things private." You explained.

"But neither of us wanted to let each other go this morning so we didn't. We're okay with telling you as long as no one else finds out." Moonbyul spoke.

"Oh, we can promise you that no one will!" Solar said.

"Yeah, we swear it. Your secret is safe with us." Wheein promised.

You and Moonbyul shared a sweet kiss in celebration of the moment and the girls cooed over the sight.

"So cute!" Hwasa exclaimed.

"Alright, cuties, I hate to interrupt but we have to get ready to go," Solar said.

"Okay. We'll get ready." You promised as you got up.

Sharing one more kiss with Moonbyul, you exited the room and left her with a big smile on her face.

It felt nice knowing that you didn't have to hide around your closest friends any longer.

You just hoped no one else would ever find out until you were both ready.

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