you're cold

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"Ready for our movie marathon, baby?" Moonbyul asked as she fell onto the sofa beside you. With some snacks on the table and movies lined up, you were ready to spend Moonbyul's first day off in a couple of long weeks right by her side.

You haven't been dating very long and although your time together has been scarce lately due to her hectic schedule, you're still head over heels for her and it's all worthwhile when you get days like this with your special girl.

"I'm really excited!" You said and the smile on your face that followed warmed Moonbyul's heart.

"Me too, my love," she said before peppering your cheek with kisses and turning the movie on.

While the intro started to play, she made herself cozy on the sofa by stretching her legs out in front of her. She reached out for your hand, but you didn't intertwine your fingers with hers like she hoped you would.

Instead, you were using them to rub your arms. You felt cold, the air suddenly chilly.

Although Moonbyul couldn't help but chuckle when she looked over at you, thinking you were simply using it as an excuse to curl up to her.

"Cold, baby?" She teased, her eyebrows raised in amusement. But when you shivered, she frowned and pulled you into her arms. "You really are cold!" She mumbled as she had you sit between her legs, back against her chest as she brushed her hands along your arms to warm you up.

You hummed and dropped your head against her shoulder. You stared up at her, only closing your eyes as she brushed her lips against your forehead.

She pulled away after a moment to take her off her hoodie and pull it over your head. Grabbing the blanket from the back of the sofa, she draped it over your lap and then to your shoulders.

Her arms tightened around you and you couldn't help but smile, feeling warmer than ever before.

"How's that, my love? Better?"

"Yeah," you giggled as she started to pepper kisses across your head, to your cheeks, and then to your neck. "Could you hold me for the rest of the day? You know, just so I don't get cold."

Now you were simply using it as an excuse.

But she couldn't say no, agreeing immediately, because she was happy to hold you like this for as long as your heart desired.

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