surprising her on her birthday (requested)

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The girls watched as Moonbyul took out her in-ears and handed them over to the staff, as well as her mic before she walked to the dressing room without a word.

The show just finished and usually, Moonbyul is on cloud nine after it finishes. Her smile is practically unbreakable, nothing can ever bring her down.

But today wasn't any normal day.

Maybe that's what stung the most for her.

That it's her birthday and the girls and every fan in the crowd sang her happy birthday on stage, you yet you've only sent her a text that simply said "happy birthday, angel. Have the best day."

You haven't called her or tried to Skype or FaceTime her and when she tries, you don't answer.

It hurt her.

As much as she loves you, and that's a lot, it's hard not to feel sad when you're what matters most to her.

Yes, she loves her job. She loves the girls, who are her best friends in the world, and she loves every fan that shows up to show their support for all four members.

But she wanted to spend her birthday with you.

All she wants is you.

She reached for her phone and let out a sad sigh when she saw that there were no missed calls or texts from you waiting for her.

She grabbed some clean clothes before going to clean up, letting a few tears fall as she washed away the sweat that poured down her skin during the show.

She wiped her tears as she made her way back to the dressing room. She thought the girls would be waiting for her and although they know she's sad, she doesn't want them to see her cry.

She sniffled and turned the knob on the door to walk into the dressing room.

She was about to let out a heavy sigh and then go and try to call you again.

But she froze before doing either of those things.

Her heart started to pound against her chest when she saw you sat on one of the chairs, staring at her with that bright smile that she adores.

"Y/N?" She spoke quietly, breathlessly, as if she couldn't believe her own eyes. "You're here?"

"I'm here. Surprise, baby," you smiled and stood up to open your arms for her to walk into.

She happily did so, rushing right into them as soon as it all sank in for her.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't call you or Skype you, I promise, I would've on any other day. But I wanted to surprise you and I felt so guilty for sending you a simple text and I was so close to calling you and giving it all away. I put a lot of work into this surprise, I didn't want to give it all away."

She nodded understandingly.

She should've known you'd be up to something like this. The love you have for each other is inexpressible and unconditional. You'd never purposely blow her off, especially not on her birthday.

"I mean, it wasn't just me. The girls helped."

"What?" She asked, shocked for some reason.

There was a knock at the door and you both looked to find the girls standing there.

"You made it!"

"Yeah," you grinned. "Thanks again for helping me pull this off."

"I can't believe you were in on it." Moonbyul poured. "You saw how sad I was."

"Yeah but we weren't ruining this surprise for you. You've missed y/n and we knew this, as a surprise, would mean a lot to you." Hwasa smiled.

"Thanks," Moonbyul said as she hugged you tightly.

"You're welcome. Happy birthday. We'll see you two later." Solar said and closed the door after they walked out to give you both some privacy.

"Happy birthday, my love."

"Best birthday ever." She squealed as she held you tighter. "I'm so happy and so in love with you. Thank you for being here."

"Always. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Now, let's go out for dinner. I'm treating you to anything you want, birthday girl." You smiled as you took her hand and led her out the door of the dressing room, excited to spend the few remaining hours of her special day right by her side.

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