finding out that you got a tattoo (requested)

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Moonbyul's eyes opened as soon as she heard the shower turn off.

The bathroom door opened only a few seconds later and she blinked a few times to adjust to the sunlight coming through the window before she looked over at you.

Instantly, a smile tugged at her lips as she noticed that you were looking through her clothes in search of something cozy to wear today.

You were standing with your back turned to her, wearing nothing but the towel wrapped around your body and Moonbyul couldn't resist the need to get up and come to your side so she could pull you into her arms for a warm and loving hug.

As soon as you felt her arms wrap around your back, let out a happy sigh. Her arms were secure and her lips were soft as she let them brush against your shoulder.

"Good morning, sweet girl."

"Good morning, baby." You said back to her before reaching for a shirt, pulling away from her embrace for a moment so you could pull it over your head.

You let the towel fall to your feet and then turned around to face your girlfriend as soon as you had her shirt on.

"Wearing my shirt again, huh?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.

She let her hands travel down your body to your sides, her fingertips softly brushing against your skin.

"It's okay. You look better in it than I do, anyway." She grinned before kissing your neck softly.

You took her hand to walk back to the bed with her, where you laid down and she hovered over you so she could be as close to you as she could while she gave you a few morning kisses.

She pushed your shirt up a little as she pulled away from your lips, her eyes traveling across your body as she complimented you, as she does every day.

But she froze when she spotted something on your ribcage, although she could only see a small part of it.

"What's this?" She asked as she pushed her shirt on your body up a little more, revealing the rest of the flower tattoo on your skin. "You got a tattoo?"

"Yeah." You smiled at her.

"When?" She asked as she brushed her fingers across the beautiful flower.

"A few weeks ago. I was waiting until it healed up to show you but I haven't had the chance to until now. What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? It's beautiful. I love it."

She stared up at you with a sparkle in her eyes, letting you know that she meant every word.

"I've barely been able to stop staring at it."

"It is very pretty, my love. I love the detail. Did it hurt?"

You shook your head.

"Good." She smiled as she put her lips back on yours.

"I want to get another."

"I think that's a wonderful idea. If that's what you want, I support you. Maybe I can even go with you to hold your hand while you get it done."

"Okay." You grinned, your heart skipping a beat at the thought.

She brushed her fingers across the ink as she pulled you in for another kiss.

"Here I was thinking you couldn't get any more beautiful. Now you have a pretty tattoo and you proved me wrong, as you always do."

You chuckled and pulled her closer, feeling so loved as she caressed your skin and listened to you talk about the other ideas you had for future tattoos.

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