wiping my girlfriend's kisses prank (requested)

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"I've missed you like crazy," Moonbyul said as she pushed you against the bed on the tour bus, her lips immediately brushing across your face lovingly.

You couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Your heart felt so full and so warm for the first time in the longest time, all because you're finally reunited with your girl.

She and the girls have been on tour for a long and busy few weeks and the distance hasn't been easy for you and Moonbyul.

So she flew you out to come and spend a week with her - the last week of shows before the tour would come to an end.

That means that when you go home, she's coming home, too.

But, for now, you're reunited at last and traveling with the girls on their spacious tour bus, on the way to a new city for another show in the states.

"I've missed you so much," You smiled as you stared up at her.

She brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as you stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

You could spend forever in these moments with her.

You always find yourself wishing that you could stop time and just spend forever gazing into her beautiful eyes, loving the way they sparkled as she gazed into yours.

"I love you so much." She said before she put her lips on yours for a sweet kiss.

Her hands gently fell onto your cheeks as your lips moved softly against hers while you rested yours on her back.

When she pulled away, you decided to be a bit of a tease and pull this prank on her that you saw online.

So, when her lips disconnected from yours, you brushed your hand across your lips to wipe away her sweet kiss.

Moonbyul frowned at the sight before she put her lips back on yours, kissing you once more.

But, yet again, when she pulled back, she watched as you wiped away her kiss.

"Hey," She pouted. "Don't do that. I don't like it."

She started to tickle your sides and you laughed, silenced by her lips brushing against yours a few seconds later.

And as her lips lingered on yours for a longer amount of time, you melted, unable to resist doing so.

You put your arms around her neck and kissed her back, making it clear to her that you were enjoying her kiss.

That's the biggest reason why she was so confused upon watching you wipe away her kiss once again.

"You liked it."

"Hm?" You asked.

"You like my kisses. I know you do. Why do you keep wiping them away? It's making me sad."

"Don't be sad, baby." You said as you ran your fingers through her hair. "I'm just pranking you."

She rolled her eyes, making you laugh yet again.

"You've been by my side again for how long? An hour or two? And you're already pranking me? That's a whole new level of mean."

You pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly, mumbling apology after apology against them.

"Yeah, whatever." She mumbled, pouting.

"I love you lots."

She couldn't help but smile as you stared into her eyes with starry ones and a bright smile on your face.

And just like that, you were forgiven.

It was just a silly prank, she could let it go if it means that she gets to keep you by her side and continue to kiss you without you wiping them away.

"I love you more." She said before kissing you again, so happy to hold you in her arms.

Moonbyul Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now