Chapter Five

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That night N didn't get any sleep, as much as he tried he couldn't. The image of Ravi and the girl kept edging its way into N's mind.

After tossing and turning in bed for hours N checked the time, seeing that it was already half seven in the morning he decided it was best to just get up. Big mistake!

N freshened up a little but just as he was about to enter the living room he heard a voice, or to be more precise Ravi's voice, he was talking on the phone

"i had a lot of fun yesterday, and i cant wait to see you this evening"

then a muffled voice was heard

"ok babe, love you"

the muffed voice was heard again before Ravi ended the call. N stood there, shocked. was this the girl Ravi was with yesterday? it sounds like it was, and are they really dating? again it sounds like they are.

Before N had time to do anything else Ravi walked out and came face to face with him.

"oh hyung, your up early... you ok?" Ravi asked, smiling at his hyung

"i-I'm fine... umm... who was that on the phone?" N asked, well more like blurted out before he had time to think

"oh that? it was... no one" Ravi stuttered

"don't lie to me Wonsik, it sounded like a girl" N said, anger taking over his mind. How could Ravi, one of his most trusted friends and band member, lie to him?

Ravi rubbed the back of his neck and sighed "well i was gonna tell you at some point, but i guess you might have already guessed, I've um... got a girlfriend" he looked at N, hoping to get a good response, but was surprised when all N did was mutter an "ok" and walk off without even looking at him.

N was absolutely furious, so Ravi did have a girlfriend, and when exactly was he planning on telling him? and did he even think about vixx as a whole? forget N's feelings, but did he even consider what would happen if news got out about his girlfriend? what would Ravi do once the press got hold of this? there would be such a big scandal. N couldn't get these questions out of his mind, he was annoyed at both the fact that Ravi had a girlfriend, when N had been harbouring feelings for him, and the fact that this could put the band in jeopardy. Without having talked to the other members about it, who knows what the press would think of it as.

"You know if you grit your teeth any harder they may just fall out" N turned around and saw Leo leaning against the door frame of the living room

"How long have you been there?" N asked

"Long enough, so Ravi really does have a girlfriend... Interesting"

N's anger flared up again "How is any of this interesting? He's putting the F...Fudging band in jeopardy" he was so angry that he almost swore, which was something he normally refrained from doing

"Calm down Hakyeon, getting angry won't do anything, your the leader and the hyung here, deal with this responsibly, first think about the band and talk to him about how he's going to make sure this doesn't get in the way of his work, then sort out your own feelings" Leo sighed

"How are you not the leader?" N asked with a blank look, Leo shrugged and with a small smile he left the room.

That afternoon N had to go out for an individual schedule. The entire time his mind was fixated on the thought of Ravi and this girlfriend of his, and he hated every minute of it.

'I wonder how ken and Leo do it' N thought as he made his way back to the dorm, he could have gone back with his manager but he wanted a bit of time to think

'How do they have mutual feelings for each other when my own crush doesn't seem to like me that way... What if I'm just jealous of Keo... No wait I can't be how stupid... Argh this is so frustrating' N had too many thoughts raving through his mind and his head hurt.

As he walked through the busy streets he saw many couples holding hands or acting cute together, it made him feel sick. However there was this one couple he saw, the guy was wearing a hood but even from the back he looked very familiar, it then struck N, this was Ravi, and have was making out with his 'girlfriend'

N thought he was going to collapse, he couldn't stand the sight and ran. He ran fast and didn't stop until he reached the dorm, panting and close to passing out he typed the code and opened the door, he didn't even make it through the door before he collapsed. The last thing he heard before his mind became unconscious was Hyuks voice calling his name and the footsteps of his band mates.

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