Chapter Four

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N had so many questions racing through his mind. When did this happen? do the others know about this? why didn't Ravi tell him about it? N pulled his hood up to make sure he wasn't seen and quietly slipped out of the coffee shop, if he had to see Ravi holding that girls hand one more time he would probably be physically sick.

He made his way back to the dorm, he needed to talk to Ravi about this, partially because this would have a big effect on the group and partially because he wanted to know who this girl was and what she was doing with his crush, oh how fun it is being the leader!

Wanting to clear his head before facing the others N decided to take the long route home, which wasn't a good idea, about five minutes after he started walking it started to rain heavily. 'great now i have to walk in the cold wet rain, this day is just perfect' N thought, he started jogging but broke into a sprint when the rain decided to pour like some waterfall had suddenly flooded up in the sky.

Once N had reached the dorm he ran inside, he stood in the doorway while catching his breath, relieved once the warm air embraced his shivering body.

“what the hell happened to you?” Hyuk asked as he came out of his bedroom “did you decide to take a shower in the rain or something?” N glared at Hyuk and mumbled a

“shut up”

Just then Ravi came out of his bedroom, N stared at him in confusion ‘how did he get home before me?’ he thought. Just then the rest of vixx also entered the living room, staring at N in amusement.

“Wow N hyung you are literally dripping wet” Ken giggled, Hongbin joined in and soon everyone, apart from Leo of course, burst into a fit of laughter.

Leo sighed and grabbed N by his arm, dragging him into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. The others looked at each other in confusion.

“wonder what’s going on there” Hongbin said while wiggling his eyebrows at Ken

“shut up” Ken laughed, he knew how much Leo actually cared for the others so it was obvious Leo was only taking care of their leader, plus Leo had said something about talking to N because he recently felt like the leader wasn’t himself.

Meanwhile in the bathroom Leo grabbed a towel and threw it at N

"thanks Leo" N mumbled with his face buried in the towel

"no problem" Leo replied while trying to hide a smile "so N there's something i wanted to talk to you about" Leo said, N took the towel off his head and let it hang on his shoulders

"talk away" he said with a smile, Leo sighed

"remember that day in the car when you spoke to me about how its okay to like someone, even if they're the same gender as you or even in the same group as you"

N thought for a while, then nodded his head

"well i wanted to talk to you about that, because you said those words to me but lately it seems as if you also like someone... but your too scared to admit it" Leo stared at N, who looked down in defeat.

"i guess i haven't been that subtle with my feelings have i?" N chuckled

"so who is it?" Leo smiled "you know you can trust me" N smiled back

"if you must know its Ravi... but i don't think he likes me back" N's smile faded

"what makes you think that?" Leo asked with a concerned voice

"i saw him today, with a girl... i think he was on a date, that's why i came home late, i wanted to clear my head" Leo sighed, he opened up his arms and embraced N in a tight hug.

"Look N, if its meant to work out then it will, if it isn't then there's nothing more you can do about it, but hopefully the right thing will happen, don't stress too much on it for now, not with all this work already on your plate ok?"

"ok" N mumbled, he tried to keep his tears in but they just didn't cooperate with him and the tears flowed out of his eyes, Leo hugged him tighter, silently telling him that its okay to let out his feelings.

 Leo was never good at expressing his own feelings, but when it came to his friends he always cared for them and was always there for them, he loved the people around him even though he didn't always show it, he wanted whats best for everyone. That's why N was thankful for having Leo as both a band mate and a friend.

After Leo had left N alone to wash up he went to his shared bedroom with Ken and found said male watching a drama on the iPad.

"How did it go?" Ken asked

"Bad, he's in love with Ravi and found him with a girl today" Ken's eyes widened

"That bad huh? Poor him..."

Although all of the vixx members teased N a lot they also cared about him just as much, N was always there for them when they needed him and he cared for them a lot. So its only normal for them to worry about him, but Leo and Ken are also very thankful to him because if it wasn't for them they probably wouldn't be together.

So what would happen if they secretly came up with a plan to get N together with Ravi...?


This update wasn't that slow right? <3

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