Chapter Three

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A few days later the boys were given a break from practicing, things didn't go well for N.

Ken and Leo had gone on a date.. again, Hyuk wanted to watch the entire season of Naruto (I'm currently obsessed with watching it :3) and Hongbin decided to watch with him, that left N and Ravi. It took N a whole hour before he approached Ravi, with clear intentions on asking him if he wanted to go out somewhere with him, as friends of course!

so after standing outside the bedroom door for what seemed like eternity (see what i did there) N knocked and walked into the room, where Ravi was busy going through his wardrobe. When Ravi heard the door open he stood up and turned around.

"oh hey N hyung" he said casually, smiling as he did so

"h-hey Ravi, listen i want to ask you something" N replied nervously

"what is it?" Ravi asked, a frown forming as he saw how nervous his hyung seemed

"umm.. i was wondering.. i mean if you want to.. do you wanna go out with me today? as its.. a free d-day today" N internally sighed, he blew it.

Ravi's frown grew and he sighed "umm.. listen N hyung, I'm really sorry but i cant, I'm going out with a friend today" N looked down

"oh.. umm.. i-its okay, no problem.. i guess i have other stuff to do anyways" and with that N ran out of the room before Ravi had a chance to reply.

N ran as fast as he could and didn't stop until he reached the bathroom, he locked the door and slid down, catching his breath. He couldn't believe it. One, he probably looked like a stammering fool in front of his crush and two, Ravi was going out with a 'friend'. What if hes got a girlfriend... or worse, a boyfriend. N sighed deeply, he cant have, Ravi normally tells N everything, he wouldn't keep something like that a secret. 'i should stop worrying, its probably nothing' he thought, but that didn't stop a single tear from escaping his eye and rolling down his pink cheek.

A few moments later N heard the door outside open and then close, Ravi already left. After splashing his face with cold water N walked out of the bathroom. He walked over int the room Hongbin and Hyuk were in and said "guys I'm going out for a bit so you two are the only ones home for a while okay? don't break anything!" the boys looked at each other and smiled mischievously before giving him an "okay" 

"i mean it guys, last time you broke two windows, no funny business!" N walked out of the room and grabbed his jacket, yelling a "goodbye" the the two youngest he walked out of the dorm, hoping to clear his mind for a while.

Earphones in his ears, music flowing through, the wind in his hair, N missed taking walks out in the cool breeze. Sometimes being an idol is hard, N thought. The constant need to meet everyone's standards, practicing till you can barely feel your feet, having to get through the day on barely any sleep, its tough, but this is why N had learnt to appreciate the small things in life. His band members who are like family, those small but heartwarming phone calls he has with his family, the fans that love him for who he is, this is why he loves his job despite all the hardships.

But there's one thing N is sure that is hard for everyone not just him or any other idol, relationships. The worry that the person you like is already with someone else, or the worry that they may not even like you back, he knows the feeling and he hates it 'but that's just life' N always reminds himself.

 N shivered, he had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't realized how cold the weather had suddenly gotten, so after zipping up his jacket he decided to go and get some much needed coffee. He walked to the coffee shop near the dorm and walked in, the Strong smell of coffee hitting him on the way in.

N ordered a Latte and once he got his drink he sat in the corner of the shop, not wanting to be recognized by anyone. He sipped his coffee and listened to the music flowing out of his earphones. 

Suddenly the door to the coffee shop opened and two people walked in, a man and woman. 'weird' N thought, 'why does the man look so familiar?' then it clicked and N gasped.

Tall, deep voice, a cap on his head... its Ravi... and hes holding a girls hand.

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