Chapter Two

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The next day N woke up from a very peaceful sleep, he checked the time and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. He has woken up half an hour later than the time his alarm should have gone off at.

N jumped out of bed.. big mistake! 

"OW!" he shouted as he tripped and landed on the floor with a thud.

As he tried to get back up, stumbling because he was still sleepy, he heard footsteps and someone entered the room. The melodious laughter of the one and only Kim Wonsik was heard and N looked up, seeing Ravi in a fit of laughter, his cheeks grew hot.

“YAH!! Kim Ravi” he shouted with his famous nickname.

 "whaaat? you look so funny hyung i couldn't help it" Ravi said with a smirk, N sighed.

"ok remind me to kill you later, but before that why didn't anyone wake me up?" N asked with a raised eyebrow

"oh i told them to let you sleep" Ravi replied casually

"wait...WHAT?!" N shouted, he stood up, brushing off any dust on his clothes and checked his phone, expecting missed calls from his manager but seeing nothing.

"why the hell did you let me sleep, we were supposed to go to practice today" N said with a sigh

"you seemed so tired yesterday so i thought id let you sleep a while longer, don't stress about it because i already spoke to manager hyung and he changed the practice times, so we don't have to go till 4" Ravi smiled and grabbed N's hand, dragging him into the hall.

"now stop worrying and get ready, I've made your favorite breakfast and unless you wanna eat it cold i suggest you be quick" and with that he walked off, leaving N outside the bathroom.

N walked inside the bathroom and locked the door, staring at the hand Ravi grabbed. He couldn't help but let out a little squeal as he thought about how Ravi had held it.

'this is stupid' N thought to himself 'I'm acting like a love-struck teenager' but then he sighed 'well i act like a teenager most of the time anyways so what the heck' and he brushed his thoughts aside.

Once N had gotten ready he walked out of the bathroom and a strong yet sweet smell wafted into his nose, his eyes widened because that could only mean one thing. PANCAKES!

"ok who is the amazing person who made pancakes and now deserves all the love and affection i posses?" N shouted, scaring the boys who were watching TV. Everyone pointed to Ravi who smiled sheepishly and pointed to the table, upon which stood a big pile of pancakes, topped with warm, melted chocolate. N's mouth watered as he sat down and moments later he had scoffed up the entire plate.

"now THAT was just beautiful" N said with a sigh of contentment. the others stared at him in disbelief.

"did you seriously finish all of the pancakes that fast or am i dreaming?" Hongbin asked, N looked at the others in confusion.

"it wasn't THAT fast was it?" he asked

"dude it barely took you a minute to eat it all and damn that was a biiig pile of pancakes" Ken replied.

"psh you guys are just jealous that you cant eat that fast" N said and with a sassy hair flip he walked off, winking at them.

"weird" Leo muttered in an almost mute voice.

A few hours later the boys had gone down to the jellyfish entertainment building to practice. "ok for now i want you all to focus on individual practice but in an hour were all gonna come together to practice, there's a few things in the choreography of the  remix version of error that i want to perfect" Once N had said what he wanted to say the others walked off to practice before they came together again,

Leo immediately dragged Ken away into one of the practice rooms, the others looked at each other and silently agreed not to disturb them.

Hyuk and Hongbin walked off to practice their dancing, well that's what Hongbin had said but N was certain that they were just gonna sit and watch some new anime Hyuk had wanted to watch.

That left N and Ravi, N prayed that Ravi would go and make some new raps or something but the luck he was gifted with in the morning seemed to have faded away and this was the moment Ravi had decided to approach him.

"hyung, i was hoping you could help me with my dancing" Ravi said, looking at N with cute eyes that made him melt. N sighed.

"of course Ravi, what exactly is it you need help with?" Ravi smiled widely.

"well you know how we have a concert coming up soon, manager hyung wanted me to do a solo dance routine, I've been practicing it but there's one move i cant seem to get right" N's smile had faded, along with the luck that left him. Their manager had spoken to him about Ravi's dance, as he was the dancer of the group, and when N was told what kind of dance Ravi was going to be doing he had almost fainted. He was going to be doing the one type of dance that would melt N. A sexy dance.

"umm.. s-sure, show me what the move is and ill help" Ravi skipped over to the speakers and plugged his ipod in, turning on the music he walked to the centre of the practice room and started dancing, letting his body flow with the music. N had to admit he was surprised, Ravi's dancing has improved a lot, his timing was perfect and the moves seemed calculated to perfection, however because of this perfection N was barely able to concentrate, he stared at his dongsaeng in awe, eyes glued to the fluency of his body.

It was only when Ravi had made an error (see what i did there?) in one of his moves that N had remembered why he was watching  him dance in the first place.

Ravi sighed in frustration "see!" he said "its that one move that i cant seem to get right, my foot always twists in the wrong way" N giggled

"its easy really, look ill show you" N had seen and done that move countless times and was practically an expert, which was great news for Ravi but not so good for N, who was already internally dying from watching his dongsaeg dance.

N walked over to where Ravi was stood, and started dancing, his foot twisted perfectly and his body moved with easy along the floor, turning and bringing himself up he finished and looked expectantly at Ravi, who seemed dazed.

"yah ravi, have you got that?" N asked

"umm.. y-yeah" he stuttered.

'weird' N thought 'i wonder whats wrong with him' but really N couldn't see that Ravi was just like him, amazed by his dance skills and also harbouring a secret crush for his hyung.

"ok then come and show me if you've really got it" N said. Ravi got himself ready and started dancing, he was just about to get it right when his foot slipped and sent him tumbling to the floor. Ravi growled in frustration.

"argh ill never get this right!" he shouted. N chuckled

"that's because you keep turning your foot the opposite way" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"look" he said as he came up to ravi, he held him by the waist, which was a surprise for them both as N didn't even think before he did it, but he went along with it.

"now listen carefully, when you go down remember to twist your foot to the right" he tugged on his waist, signalling for him to dance and as Ravi danced N helped him to position his foot properly and with N's help Ravi was able to do the move perfectly.

"great!" N said "now try it without me" Ravi nodded, unable to speak and started to dance, he brought his body down, twisting his foot and surprisingly he managed to twist it perfectly, bringing his body upwards he finished dancing and looked at N, who was smiling widely.

"see, i knew you could do it" N said, pride for his dongasaeng clear in his voice, Ravi smiled happily and hugged N tightly, N was shocked but nonetheless hugged him back, Ravi was happy and it was thanks to him, that made him happy and for now he just wanted to keep that in mind while being embraced by the one man his heart has been taken by.


im updating this in school when i should be working :3

Also i dedicate this chapter to @sky_jkn bc her comment made me smile <3

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