Chapter ten

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"Your not allowed to come back out until you sort out the feelings you two have with each other, don't you dare deny anything and speak truthfully, have fun in there!"

Once Ravi had finally figured out what the hell just happened he got up off the floor and looked at N, but all N did was look down with sad eyes.
"Umm..." Ravi started, he was unsure of what to say, but before he could say anything else N spoke up
"Are you really in love with your girlfriend?" Wow... That was unexpected.
Ravi was unsure of what to say 'do I lie to him? Or do I tell him the truth?' He thought. He was scared of telling N the whole truth, he feared rejection and he also feared the reaction he would get from N if he found out his best friend was lying, they used to be so close at one point, not as close as N was to Leo but close enough, how would N feel?
"Umm... Of c-course I do?" Ravi stuttered and the phrase came out as more of a question than a statement
"Liar" N mumbled quietly
"W-what was that?" Ravi asked, he thought he heard wrong
"I SAID YOUR A LIAR" N shouted back, startling not just Ravi but the others who were still outside
"I've seen the look you give to your 'girlfriend' and THAT is not the look of someone who is falling in love, you've only ever brought her over once and you didn't even seem that proud of having her, you don't really like her so don't you f*cking DARE lie to me Kim Wonsik, I want the actual truth and I want it NOW!" At this point N was fuming, you could have said he was just jealous of Ravi's answer but no, all his words were the words of truth, he knew in his heart that Ravi didn't really like her, and he couldn't deal with the fact that one of the people he was closest to, and loved, was lying to him.

"I can't tell you the truth" Ravi said quietly, his voice broke off at the end as he was close to tears
"And why the f*ck not?" N answered through his gritted teeth
"Because you'll hate me for it" Ravi looked down.
N did the one thing that no one expected, he laughed.
"Kim Wonsik you are the most stupidest human being on this planet I swear" he didn't stop laughing, Ravi looked up with a confused look and outside the door the other members gave each other equally confused looks, Ken mouthed to Leo 'what the hell is up with N?' To which Leo shrugged.
N came up to Ravi and smacked his head... Hard.
"Ow what was that for?" Ravi stood up while rubbing the back of his head
"Wonsik, we've been friends for years, we know so much about each other, we've always been comfortable with each other and we've always been there for each other no matter what, you could always come to me with any problems you've had and you've always comforted me when I need it most, why is it that during this rough patch, or whatever it is we're going through, you can't tell me the truth? Why would I suddenly hate you for whatever the truth is at this moment in time? You've come to me with some silly things but I've never hated you before, Wonsik your one of the people in my life that I love the most to stop acting stupid and just tell me what's up so we can sort this out together"
A tear slipped down Ravi's eye and rolled down his cheek, he wiped it away before sighing
"You really want to know the truth?" Ravi asked, N didn't say anything but Ravi continued "I like you okay, and not just as a friend but I LIKE you, more than as just a friend, I want to be with you, I want to be able to kiss you and tell you how much you mean to me, I want to be able to look at you the way Leo hyung looks and Ken hyung, i want to do all that, the only reason I didn't tell you was because I was scared you were going to reject me... Which is what your probably going to do now..." And that's all Ravi got to say before he was enveloped into a bone crushing hug
"Ravi you idiot, idiot idiot idiot, your a stupid little idiot because I like you too, I've always wanted to be with you but I feared rejection as well, when I found out you had a girlfriend my heart broke and I thought I would never get a chance to tell you how I really feel" he said all this while still hugging Ravi, they stayed in that position for a while before N let go
"So why did you get a girlfriend?" N asked
"To try and forget my feelings for you, which obviously didn't need to happen.
N and Ravi smiled at each other, and then broke off into a fit of laughter, their laughter was so loud it echoed throughout the dorm, the other members again looked at each other in confusion
"What is it with these two and laughing in a situation like this?" Hongbin asked, to which the other three just shrugged.

"Seriously Ravi don't you ever hide anything from me again" N said
"From now on you'll know everything, I won't ever lie if the truth brings out this end result" Ravi replied, the boys looked at each other with a smile on their face, N reached out and cupped Ravi's cheek, he brought his face closer to his and kissed Ravi, it was only a small kiss, but it was enough to let Ravi know that he really did have true feelings for him.

Outside the bedroom the four other guys looked at each other with smiles spreading across their faces
"Finally" Hyuk said "that took some time but boy am I glad it's done"
"Yeah, and now we don't have to deal with all that tension between the two" Ken replied happily
"But wait... If you two are a couple and now N hyung and Ravi hyung are a couple... Hyuk were the only two single people left in VIXX..." Hongbin looked at Hyuk and Hyuk looked back at Hongbin, they stared at each other before their eyes went wide
"EW NOOOOO" they both screamed at each other and ran off in opposite directions, Leo and Ken laughed at the two youngest.

Before they could say anything else Leo and Ken heard from inside the bedroom
"So are you gonna let us out or...?" Leo realised the door was still locked so he opened it and stepped back, N and Ravi walked out hand in hand with happiness spread across their faces
"We're happy for you two" Leo said, he looked at N and gave him a smile, telling him that everything was going to be okay now, N smiled back, thanking him for everything he did, everything he said to comfort him when he didn't know what to do with the situation with Ravi, and to thank him for being a great friend.
"Where's Hyuk and Hongbin guys?" Ravi asked, Leo and Ken looked at each other and laughed, they didn't say anything, just laughed.

--- END ---
Yes guys this is how it ends... I'm actually happy with this ending, what did you all think of how it all ended out?
If you guys want to interact with me more you can follow me on Instagram @ vixxipedia

Love you all <3

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