Chapter seven

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> I'm not a writer so there will most likely be spelling mistakes.
> the chapters will be longer now. Thanks for the suggestion.
>I can't reply to your messages but I read them all so thanks guys. 🥀

-Newt and Angel-
"What we're you thinking" newt asked with anger trebling in his voice. "You could've been locked out. You could've died" newt said. Angel grabbed his hand "I'm fine newt" she smiled. "Angel your not look at your ar..." he rolls her sleeve up to show her the sting mark but there was nothing there. He grabbed her other arm to see if he had grabbed the wrong one "what the hell" he said with disbelief. "Where's your mark" he asked. "I-I don't know." Angel said equally as confused as newt. They both looked at each other and then Angel realised what had happened. "Y/n" she whispered. Newt raises his eyebrows "what about her" he asked. "She-her-oh my god. Her cut bled into my arm-." Newt now getting very agitated and impatient "For god sake Ang spit it out." "Her cut on her face. It opened and she got blood into my wound. Her blood healed me." She said. "That not possible there is no cure" newt replied. "Well how do you explain this then" Angel jumped up and to her surprise she didn't feel weak anymore. "Come on we need to find y/n". Angel ran off leaving newt in a trans like state with complete and utter shock at what had just happened "come on old man" Angel shouts. Newt quickly snapped back to reality and followed her.

-the tents-
Angel and Newt ran into the tent, newt was more out breath than Angel. "We *breath* hav *breath*" newt tried to talk but just pointed at Angel indicating for to her carry on. "Your blood Y/n" Angel started. "What about it. Are you mad about it going in your wound. I'm really sor..." you apologised. "Shut up y/n let me finish. Your blood cured me" she lifted her sleeve "see no mark all gone" Angel  smiled. You stand up and grab her arm "what. That's not possible." You said feeling like your dreaming. "Well it is." Angel replied with a grin. "I have to find Thomas." You said as you swiftly left the tent. "What was that about" Angel said to newt who was still catching his breath. "Sh- m- h". Angel patted him on his back "I agree newt. Couldn't have said it better myself". Angel mocked him. Newt rolled his eyes and sat on a hammock. "There hiding something you know. Thomas and Y/n I don't know what it is but it's something bad. I have this feeling" Angel claimed. "It'll be fine" newt responded after catching his breath "there probably just getting closer. I'm sure they wouldn't hide anything from us" newt reassured her. "Your right I'm just being paranoid."

-the garden-
You find Thomas in the garden talking to gally. you run to Thomas desperate to tell him something. "Thomas. Can I borrow you it's urgent" you say as soon as you got to him. "Yeah of course. I'll be back soon gally." Thomas said. You and Thomas walk over to a remote part of the glade that none of the other gladers went to. "Everything ok" Thomas asked with concern. "No. Look at this note. I wrote when I was asleep last night. I also scratched my face and arms trying to wake myself up." You showed him your scratch marks and handed him the note. "What does 'I'm not supposed to be here' mean?" Thomas asked. "That's not the worst part" you turned the note over to reveal the word 'ANGEL' written on the back in big letters. "Y/n what does this mean" he asked again. "Your guess is as good as mine. I can't even remember the dream or why I was scratching myself to wake up." All of a sudden Thomas pulled you into his arms. He held you so tight and you've never felt so safe. It was like you were the only people on earth like everything no matter what it was didn't matter. His grip tightened "are you ok. And don't lie to me" you tear up and with a lump in your throat you and say "no". He wiped away your tears "wow I didn't think it was possible for your eyes to glisten even more than they already do, it's like I'm looking at 1 million tiny stars." He said. You look into each other's eyes. You felt like the world was spinning faster than it did before. For the first time in ages you felt ok. "Thomas" you said "yes". You took a deep breath and hugged him. You rested your head on his shoulder "thank you". With these words he hugged you as tight as he could "anytime
Sockie. I'll always be here for you." You pulled away "why. We haven't known each other for that long. Why are you helping me" you asked. "Sockie I know we have only known each other for a few days but to me it's felt like my life only started when I met you. I'm never leaving you. Because your the stars in my sky. My moon and my sun my whole world. And so much more." He smiled at you and you smiled back. The spark was back but this time it was stronger you both lean in when you hear Gally shout "THOMAS, Y/N. THERE YOU ARE" Gally ran over to you both. "Come on were all celebrating Angels recovery with a bonfire." He said indicating that you had to leave now.

-the bonfire-
You both walk back over to the centre of the glade where you see Angel. "Y/n thank you again" Angel said as she ran over to you. "It's ok I'm not even sure what I did" you reply. "You saved my sister y/n" newt said while blushing. You all sit down together. the whole night everyone was complimenting you and thanking you for saving Angel but you didn't feel like you deserved any of it. "Thank you so much y/n" Said Alby as he walked past you. You clenched your fists trying not to say anything. Thomas turned to you. "Don't worry it's almost over." Thomas put his head on your shoulder and then gave you some of his food "try this it's amazing" he said while putting it on your plate. "Wow. That is really good" you reply while taking more. "Get your own" Thomas smiled while pulling the plate away. "I'm only joking here" he gave you the rest of it. "Awe thank you Tommy". You blushed. Newt look down the bench to see you and Thomas sharing food and giggling. His facial expression changed almost on command and he sat back "hey You ok" Angel asked newt. Noticing his change in emotion. "I'm fine." He replied. Clearly lying. "There just friends Newt" Angel tried to reassure him. "Well I don't like her like that so it doesn't bother me either way" he said forcing a smile. "Hey thanks for today. Really thank you Tommy" you smiled. "Your welcome also where did Tommy come from" he grinned "well I'm not sure. I guess you call me Sockie so I thought I'd give you a nickname" "I love it" Thomas replied. The night seemed to flash before your eyes, and before you knew it everyone went to bed. Thomas walked you back to the tent and sat on your hammock with you. "Goodnight" Thomas smiled as he stood up. You grabbed his arm "don't...don't go please." He sat back down. "I'm not going anywhere" he started to play with you hair until you fell asleep. He kissed your cheek and quietly got up and went to his hammock.

-that night-
For the first night in ages you went to bed feeling safe but it didn't last long. Your eyes open and again you were at wicked. Your heart sank when you saw Thomas walking down the corridor. You ran after him trying to catch up but he seemed to be getting further and further away. Until he suddenly stopped and turned around. "Tommy can you hear me" you asked. He walked past you like you weren't even there. You see the blonde women walk over to him. You ran over to them screaming "GET AWAY FROM HIM/DONT HURT HIM" but they couldn't hear you. It was like you were invisible You clench your hands. "He's here Janson" the brown haired guy walked over and with three words 'wicked is good' Thomas disappeared. You clench her your hands even harder. You looked everywhere but couldn't find him. You started screaming "TOMMY. WHERE ARE YOU. THOMAS". You wake up back in reality screaming. Thomas ran over to you "hey hey Sockie I'm here your ok breathe" Thomas said with concern in his eyes. you took a breath. "Why did you wake me" you ask "you were screaming my name What happened in your dream" he asked. "Follow me we can't talk about this here". You replied.
Hey guys first of all thanks for all the support on here and tiktok you guys mean the world to me.😊 and second of all the reason this took so long is because it's longer as someone requested for them to be. And because I had some writers block with one of the paragraphs but Thanks so much for reading and being patient with me. All requests and ideas are welcome just comment them. Remember No idea is bad. Thanks for being my stars guys🥀

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