Chapter Sixty One

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"Darling your birthday is in two weeks, have you figured out what you want to do yet?"

Y/n gasped and whirled around to face her blond companion, several books dropping as she did so. Yuma smirked at the clearly nervous maiden and bent down to pick the books up.

Alois rose a brow, finding her reaction very suspicious.

"What?" Alois asked, giving her a good look over to see if he could spot what she was hiding.

"Nothing! You asked of my birthday yes?" Y/n smiled, shooing away the still smirking Yuma. The damn bastard was not helping her look innocent at all.

Yuma and Y/n had been practicing on controlling her growing powers when Alois walked in.

She was keeping Yuma's body temperature cold while she kept herself warm, which was strangely hard since Yuma's body temperature always seemed to be high even when her powers were working to cool him.

As for the books... well lets just say her powers wanted to gain their own knowledge. She was somehow reading all three books at once, being able to comprehend and understand all the words she was 'reading'.

So when Alois walked in she freaked out and forced her magic to bend to her whims causing the books to drop and for Y/n and Yuma's normal temperature to return.

"Oh! Right!" Alois clapped his hands together, immediately losing interest in figuring out what Y/n was doing.

"Have you any ideas on what to do for your birthday yet? I want to have Claude begin to plan for it now, with the help of Yuma of course. A ball perhaps?"

Y/n winced and shook her head. From what Yuma has been telling her, being around many people on her birthday was not a smart idea.

Alois pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You don't want me to throw a ball in your honor?"

Y/n shook her head, trying to quickly come up with a convincing excuse.

"No! I um, I wanted it to just be us for my birthday. I hate crowds."

Alois paused, not having thought of this. If they were around people Y/n would retreat into her, what Alois liked to call, people mood, and she wouldn't smile or laugh or even smirk around him! That simply would not do!

"Right, I forgot you're anti-social. Don't worry my love, it will be just you and me!" Alois smiled and grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling her into a waltz position.

"We can spend the whole day doing whatever you like, then when the stars are high we can dance the night away in the moonlight."

Y/n giggles softly, letting Alois lead her in one of the most goofy waltz she had ever danced.

But she couldn't help but worry.

She had no clue what would happen on her birthday, Yuma refused to tell her anything. What if her powers consumed her right before Alois' eyes? What if she was some monster and after seeing what she truly was Alois would decide he didn't want to marry her anymore?

Maybe...maybe she should just keep to herself on her birthday. Maybe she should just lock herself up in her old room.


Y/n looked up at Alois, who smiled happily at her as he dipped her back, chanting 'ole' as he did so.

She wanted to spend her birthday with Alois. And Alois looked so happy. So the only thing she could do now was hope for the best.

Across the library Yuma smiled softly to himself as he restocked the books his Mistress had been reading.

Y/n was doing extremely well on controlling her powers, though Yuma guessed it helped that they already respected their Mistress.

Avery had told him she wasn't able to master her powers until her early twenties, her powers being more destructive than others in the family.

And Blaze's powers aren't as strong so he was easily able to control and master them by the time he was eighteen.

So Yuma was extremely proud of his Mistress.

He bummed softly to himself and left the library, smirking when he heard his Mistress scream playfully.

Yuma briefly wondered what he would do if the Lord didn't accept his Mistress and pushes her out of his life. No doubt Yuma would want to kill him immediately but the five demons in the house hold would be in the way.

Speaking of demons...

Yuma turned and smiled charmingly at Hannah, taking the sheets she was carrying.

"Off to wash these?" Yuma asked, looking at the now lightly blushing demoness. Adorable.

Hannah nodded, dropping her gaze to the floor out of habit.

"Shall I accompany you then? Two makes better than one." Yuma smirked, noting how Hannah glanced up at him in faux shyness.

"You don't have to," She said softly, secretly wanting him to join her so they can engage in their usual low key flirting. At least, she's pretty sure he's flirting with her

"Ahh but I want to. Come along miss Hannah," Yuma turned away, still carrying the sheets he took from the lavender haired maid.

Hannah smiled and fell into step next to him, both walking off down the hallway.

Ahhh I don't know what to think about this chapter lol. Vote and comment if you enjoyed, I love interacting with you all!


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