Chapter Twenty Nine

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The young lady gasped when she was pulled into a firm chest, strong arms wrapping tightly around her waist.

"It's been so long, I've missed you!"

Y/n rolled her eyes, recognizing the voice belongs to her energetic cousin. She turned in his arms so that she could look up at him properly.

His espresso colored hair was swept off to the side in its usual playful manner, a few strands falling in front of his seafoam green eyes. His eyes were speckled with the same grey as hers, showing just how closely related the two are. His thin lips were quirked up in a grin that showed off his white teeth and shape canines.

Blaze Reynolds was from her mother's side of the family. If she remembered correctly, he was her mother's sister eldest son but her second child.

He makes it clear that good looks run in the family.

"You are taller then when you last visited," Y/n commented. Blaze's grin widened.

"Am I?" He questioned, taking a step away from his younger cousin. He looked around the garden he had found his cousin in. "Do you ever spend your time anywhere else?"

"I like the garden," Y/n frowned. "And yes. I also read in the library and I spend most of my time in my room."

Blaze wrapped his arm around the girls shoulders, his grin never fading.

"My dear cousin," he said, mischief twinkling in his seafoam green eyes, "you need to get out more often."

"Who says I don't get out?"

Blaze scoffs. "Nobody needs to say anything, I just know. I say we go out to town together!"

"I don't feel like going out into town." Y/n says dully, crossing her arms over her chest.

"To bad! Yuma!"

Yuma looked up from the flowers he had been attending to and smiled at the young lord before him.

"Master Blaze, nice to see you again," he greeted while standing up and walking over to the two young adults. "What can I help you with?"

"Prepare a carriage please! Y/n and I will be going out into town today."

Yuma smirked at the look of displeasure that was on his Mistress' face. He bowed his head to the Lord, mumbling "Of course Master Blaze," before walking off.

"I hate when you and Yuma double team me," Y/n complained as her cousin lead her to the front of the mansion.

"Stop your whining. That angelic voice of yours doesn't work on me."

"My what?" Y/n asked, perplexed. She remembered Yuma saying something similar to that when they were working on her control over her powers.

"If you don't know then nevermind," Blaze sighed. He looked down at his cousin perplexed, wondering why Yuma hasn't taught her the power her voice holds yet.

"Anyways, I'm in the mood for something sweet so let's stop by a cafe!" Blaze exclaims, back to his energetic self.

At the mention of sweets Y/n's mood switched. "I suppose we can go to a cafe." She said calmly.

Blaze laughed at how the mention of sweets made Y/n more willing to go. He helped Y/n into the carriage when it arrived before getting in himself.

"So anything interesting happen lately? Is uncle still pestering you on finding a husband?"

Y/n scoffed. "Of course he is still pestering me, he says I have until my seventeenth birthday to pick a groom."

Blaze whistled lowly then chuckled. "Careful," he warned, "he might make you marry me."

I Need You; Alois Trancy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now