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For purposes of this story, though an Agni Kai is a fire-bending duel, it's also described as a fight of honor. So, I'm taking it to be that to mean that while it's usually only used in Firebending tradition, technically anyone calling up a matter of honor can invoke an Agni Kai. Sokka doesn't have to firebend to be included in this!


As Katara walked in a haze toward the tournament arena, she kept repeating a mantra of the three things Zuko had told her she had to abide by. This repetition was the only thing keeping her up, even though her legs bowed with each step like thin sticks in the hands of a child trying to snap them, even though her vision fuzzed around the edges, and even though she felt like her heart was wilting with each step closer.

Number one; do not make a scene.

Number two; do not look away.

Number three; and the most important she must remember...he was trying to save Sokka's life.

When he'd said that one, with such carefulness – as though Katara would shatter inside – she had frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"An Agni Kai is no small event, Katara. I would not expect my father will be pleased with...without some sort of big 'thing', though I can't predict what."

"It won't be to the death right?" Katara had read up on Agni Kais after Zuko had informed her of his plan in the garden two days ago. From all the histories she read, they were very often bloody and violent and rarely left with both participants breathing, if it was as intense as this one seemed to be.

"Killing your brother would rather counteract my promise that I'm trying to save his life," Zuko had said.

"Well, then of course." Katara had blinked at Zuko, so clueless. "You know I trust you."

"You say that now...maybe it's rude of me to ask you to remember that. You might not after today." Zuko swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing. "I don't want to hurt your brother, but..." He gnawed on his lip.


"I wish I could say it would be difficult. But Katara, spirits...I'm angry. I'm so freaking angry. At Sokka, at Aang, at Toph, at my father, my sister..." He screwed his eyes shut. "I feel so out of control and that's what scares me. I am born of two different family lines and I feel like both of their influences are biting at me at all times. There is the side of Roku, who is kind and just. Then, there is the side of Sozin who whispers and goads me to do awful things, and for a second, I can see how my father falls to it so easily."

"I understand that," Katara said, thinking of the lengths she had gone to and would have been willing to go to in order to save her people. "It reminds me of an old tale that was told in my tribe. Two wolves, one good and one bad, are pulling all of us in different directions. Only one can win. And you know which one it will be?" she asked. Zuko looked up, shaking his head ever so slightly. "The one you feed."

She placed her hands on his cheeks, feeling the warmth from his skin against her palms.

"Zuko, you are a good person. If you continue to choose the side of good, that other wolf...or won't have any space to grow and will cease to exist."

"That's the thing, Katara." He detached her hands gently, and held them for a moment, as though trying to memorize the lines across her palms. "I am unsure that I can let the good dragon win tomorrow. I have to let out the other one. If I do too little, they may still call for Sokka's death, and I can't say they're all wrong. It's a miracle I managed to spin even this. So it has to be brutal. It has to be something...something where you may hate me forever."

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