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7:00 PM

Katara sat on a fake 'park bench' near the edges of the shops. In her hand was something that tasted like lychee. It was such a shame, she considered. She could (and very much would with her never-ending stomach and fantastic metabolism) try every food from every stand here, even if that was a momentous undertaking in itself. However, she certainly could not try every alcoholic drink there was on the menu, and there were nearly as many as food options. Each sounded just as delicious as the last, but she could only pick a handful if she was being careful. It wasn't even for lack of trying – if she had every option on the menu, she'd surely kill herself!

The one Alcina had brought tasted almost sugary sweet, like strawberries. The one after was bitter. This one was somewhere between, and she had to admit she enjoyed it the most.

Someone flicked their hand over her shoulder and, quicker than she could blink, the mystery arm had snatched her drink out of her hand. She hoped, just for a second, it was Zuko being flirty, but she spied him far on the other side of the room. It was not hard to guess which 'dragon' he was.

Also, he was being careful to not be too...overly romantic with any of the girls, sans some dances (which, she was well aware he had not asked her yet.) She wasn't upset, at least, so she told herself. He was currently dancing with Yue and he did look...happy. Though he was wearing his mask, his shoulders were relaxed and she could see Yue's shoulders quaking with laughter. She might have felt a little sad in that moment if not for the most grating sound of sucking liquid.

She spun and found Sokka. He'd taken the bamboo straw and stuck it through his mask's mouth hole and was slurping obnoxiously.

"That hits the spot."

"You know, there are like two hundred stands where you could have procured your own drink," Katara said in annoyance, trying to grab it back. She wasn't short but compared to Sokka, she was short enough that she couldn't reach when he held it high above his head. She kicked his shin and as he crumpled, she took it back. "And what if that hadn't been me?"

"Oh, it's obvious which one's you," Sokka said, gasping like she'd broken his leg. "Yeah, there are a few Water Tribe ghoulies here, but you're the only one who is so obnoxiously Water Tribe."

"Awe, real love for our nation there, bro."

"No, I think it's fantastic," Sokka said and she knew he was smiling widely under his mask, "You look freaking awesome."

Katara rolled her eyes as she sipped her drink, but inside was pleased. She remembered always wanting Sokka's approval as a child, whether it be in mimicking his fort building skills, or mastering his aim with a boomerang, or taking him on in a tussle. Sokka had been a good older brother, allowing her to win maybe 10% of the time. As she grew older, she realized that he absolutely should have always beaten her, so it must have been out of kindness. She didn't think that his approval now would feel so warm.

"What have you been doing this whole time?" Katara asked.

"Oh, you know, breaking hearts," Sokka said with a casual shrug.

"What? I haven't seen you dance with a single girl," she said, but out of the corner of her eye, a trio of non-contestant ladies was staring at the pair, eyes mostly on Sokka.

Sokka gave a wry laugh. "How do you think I'm breaking those hearts?"

"None are pretty enough to tempt you?" Katara said, finding it hard to believe that he couldn't find a single girl he wanted to dance with.

"I think the girl I want to ask would sooner stomp my toes," Sokka said, apparently more buzzed than he initially let on. Katara tilted her head, feeling like perhaps he'd just said a great deal and too much for his own sake because of how he stiffened up, but they were rudely interrupted by Nadhari as she appeared, it seemed, out of nowhere.

The Warrior's Gambit (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now