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Katara was often told she did not know how to let a matter drop. She considered this, as she went in search of Tahoe.

Aiga had been less than forthcoming about the house and the people that looked startlingly like her. Katara had realized she really knew very little of substance about Aiga's family, about her life.

"You can always tell me," Katara had asked. Aiga had just continued to set out her clothes for the next morning.

"Not today, Princess. Please."

So, Katara had stopped asking...her, at least.

Tahoe was on rotation near the Royal Solar, or as Katara had learned from Zhi that this just meant a big fancy private room, which Ursa was in currently. She was happy to find him at his post alone, though another guard sat not too far away.

"Tahoe, may I ask you something about Aiga?"

"Has she done something wrong, Princess?" Tahoe's face switched to horror. "Is she in trouble?"

"No, no, nothing of the sort." Katara patted his arm. "Do you know much about her family?"

Tahoe tilted his head, frowning. "Not more than you, I'd think. I know she came from the lower sectors, as most of us did."

"Would you know anything about a house near the fourth quad, red shingles, with a lot of people that look just like Aiga?" Katara asked. From Tahoe's face, it was clear he hadn't.

"Princess, what is this about?"

"I just...I think she wants to talk about it, but as close as we are...there is a divide. If you may find the time to get her to open up...I know what it's like to hold things inside until it's too painful." Katara rubbed her arms. "I'm just worried, is all."

Tahoe threw her a soft smile. "Of course, Princess. I'll be sure to talk with her."

"Right. Thank you. Erm, carry on?" Katara rarely knew how to end conversations with the help here. Most just left without saying anything, but Katara felt weird doing that. Not to say her current way wasn't equally as awkward.

She saw Sokka waiting outside her room when she returned to the Ladies Rooms. He had a handful of rolled scrolls in his fingers, his thumbs and face smudged with ink.

"I need you to draft these better," Sokka said, holding up the papers, causing half to lose their precarious position and tumble to the ground.

Katara welcomed him into her room. Taking only one look at Sokka's near illegible notes, Katara knew he'd been having the same thoughts that she had been.

That, each day that went on, was one more day of Zuko and Katara stealing time that wasn't theirs. That it was one day closer to a Fire Sage commanding Zuko to pick a wife and Katara having to say goodbye. One day nearer to the inevitable end. One more day that their people reaped the benefits of her presence in food, supplies, and other goods, but one day of become more reliant on this. Even with the promise of a trade set up, they had become woefully used to the thrice-weekly shipments from the Fire Nation.

Her people were enjoying the food as it came. And Ozai wasn't the sort to encourage them to go out on their own. He sent food that would spoil if not eaten quickly, leaving them dependent. They needed to be looking toward the future, to surviving on their own. There would come a day that the shipments would no longer come. They'd have to trade their own wares, prepare. Or, worst case scenario but hardly an impossible one, there may come a day in which Zuko was captured or overthrown or killed, and Azula took the throne, and the Southern Water Tribe would get nothing but soldiers and weapons and shackles on their arms.

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