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"Me?" Aiga dropped the scrolls in shock. "They asked for me? Not Aang?"

"No, it was for sure you that they wanted," Zuko said, slapping at a gigantic mosquito on his neck. He hated the Swamps. "For some reason, they were willing to kill to know where you were."

"Well?" Shoji asked, turning to Aiga, "Why?"

"I surely...I wouldn't know at all," Aiga blubbered, "I'm a nobody."

"I think Katara would disagree, however, I'm inclined to agree; I mean, not like that! You know I think you're fantastic, but in a strategic sense..." Aiga was staring at him, unsure if she should be offended or laugh. "Out of everyone we smuggled, you're pretty far down on the totem pole."

"She has been cataloging all the messages from General Jee, but would anyone outside of this know that?" Toph said, and Zuko could tell how desperately she was trying to not mess things up, to not say something bad. From what he'd heard from Iroh, she was enjoying pounding Aang with rocks for Earthbending, but overall was quite the experienced teacher. Aang was lucky to have her, Zuko decided overall, despite his own current frustrations with her.

"I doubt that," Zuko shook his head. "Maybe...they knew you? Maybe from the lower rings? It seemed they were at their end, no other choices. Maybe they were just looking for salvation?" Zuko said. He described, to the best of his ability, what the two Equalists Katara had seen looked like. Despite this, Aiga's face was pinched.

"That's horrific, but no...I don't know anyone that fits that description. I'm just as confused as you are, Prince Zuko, as to why they'd want me."

"Well, think about it," Zuko said with a hint of aggravation. Whenever he thought they were going to make a break in the case, something else slowed them down. "I don't think the Equalists do anything without reason. They're more put together than that. If we know anything, they're organized, and that's truly dangerous."

"I will, sir," Aiga said, looking pale as a ghost. Shoji patted her shoulder. Zuko knew Aiga was important here. He knew she'd helped take over the teams that went out to find Airbenders and save them, and while she had no bending herself, had a mind like a steel trap that was skilled at multitasking and remembering little details. She would be fantastic in the militia, if things ever righted themselves.

"Her aura is pure," Ty Lee said, the first she'd spoken since the cry of despair when Zuko described what happened at the abbey.

"She's not lying," Toph was quick to add, "Totally confused." Aiga looked warmed by the support.

"That's just great." Zuko pinched his nose. "Uncle, I need Aang today."

"Is that wise, to bring him from our home base?" Iroh knit his eyebrows.

"I don't really have a choice. I've been getting reports of spirit activity near Selin and I don't want to be fighting with the spirits at the same time we're fighting men. If anyone else could close the portals, fix the issues..." He winced. Part of him hoped it wasn't Katara's little romp into the spirit world that encouraged the spirits to lash out. He was still completely confused about what she was doing there in the first place, why she'd nearly killed herself over that. He'd never gotten an answer, though, not more than half-crazy rantings during her few moments of being awake.

No, as much as he wanted to stay firmly at her side, he, Besu, and Nadhari had to travel to a town close enough to the Swamps for Zuko to pay a quick visit and fix some frustrating reports he'd been privy to.

"Is it not a trap? To lure the Avatar out, perhaps?" Iroh argued.

"Even my father cannot control spirits' ire," Zuko gave a sharp laugh, "And thank Agni for that, huh? And no, it was my mother that told me. She's gotten reports from many villagers."

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