☀Chapter 2☀

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Bleh. Who made my alarm Baby by Justin Bieber? I wondered as the horrendous noise played from my phone, which I set my alarm on. Probably Sokka. I made a mental note to dump water on him next time I saw him. I rolled out of my bed and squealed as my bare feet touched the cold floor. I looked at my phone. It was currently 8 am, and today was Aang and I's 4 year anniversary!

I put on my glasses and crept down the hall, careful to not wake anyone up. Eek! I cringed as the stairs creaked loudly. To my surprise, I wasn't the only one awake. When I got to the kitchen, Suki and Toph were also up.

"Mornin', Sugar Queen," Toph said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Toph, will you ever stop calling me that?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Nope!" She replied.

"Ugh. Anyways, good morning guys. I have to go to the mall to get Aang a present for our anniversary today, do you girls want to come? We can also shop after I get the present." I asked Suki and Toph.

"Sure!" Suki exclaimed. I knew she would want to come. I'm also hoping she will help me with picking out the present. We both looked at Toph.

"I'm guessing you're both looking at me, waiting for my answer. I guess I'll come, as long as we don't go to the spa." Toph grumbled. Suki and I cheered. I turned around towards the counter so I could make some waffles.

"We should leave around 9:30 at the latest. We want to get there before too many people are there." I stated. Both Suki and Toph agreed. I think they both ate already, so I only put 2 waffles in the toaster. When the toaster dinged, I took out my waffles and spread on some butter and poured syrup on them. Then, I got myself a glass of milk and enjoyed my breakfast

About 10 minutes later, I started going to my room, which is on the 3rd floor. Only 3 of us have our rooms on the 3rd floor, and those people are me, my adorable boyfriend Aang, and one of my best friends, Toph. On my way to my room, I stopped by Aang's room and peeked in to see if I could catch him awake before I left. I peeked in, and he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He looked so cute! I blushed, and left the room and closed the door.

When I got to my room, I picked out some clothes and went to take a shower. I finished my shower and got dressed. I put on a blue tank top/crop top, a light blue ripped jean skirt, a belt, and of course my mother's necklace. Also, I put on a light blue and white flannel that I stole from Aang a while ago. It still smelled like him, and it made me smile. I put on a light blue pura vida bracelet, which was one of Aang's gifts to me for my birthday a few months back, and put my hair into two french-braids that turn into pigtails. I put in my contacts, brushed my teeth, and went back downstairs.

Suki and Toph were already waiting for me since they got ready before I did. I slipped on my white Vans, grabbed my white mini-backpack, and we got in Suki's car and left our house.

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