⭐Chapter 7⭐

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At around 7:50, I pulled up to the parking lot in front of the hill and stopped the car. I looked over at Katara and smiled. She was taking in her surroundings, probably trying to figure out where we were. I got out of the car and walked around the front of it to the door on her side. I opened her door and smiled when she blushed a little bit.

"Ready to go, sweetie?" I asked her, holding out my hand for her.

"Of course," She replied, smiling warmly. She grabbed my hand and I helped her out of the car.

"Close your eyes," I whispered in her ear. She blushed a bit and closed her eyes. Just in case, I covered her eyes with my hands and slowly guided her up the hill. When we reached the top, I positioned her right in front of the picnic set-up and told her to keep her eyes closed. I stepped away from her and lit some candles around the blanket with a lighter.

"Okay, sweetie, open your eyes on the count of three. 1...2...3!" I counted. Her jaw dropped and she became as red as a tomato when she opened her eyes. She stood still for a second, taking it all in. Then, she ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"Aang! You did all this? It's amazing, you really didn't have to!" She exclaimed. I think she was tearing up a little bit. I pulled out of the hug at the same time she did and our lips connected. I blushed at the pressure of her soft lips. Almost a minute later, we pulled apart.

"Thank you, sweetie," She whispered, pulling me into another hug. I hugged her back softly. "Now let's eat!" She exclaimed. I laughed.

"You must be very hungry!" I replied. She grabbed my arm and tugged me to the center of the blanket. Putting her gifts to the side, I brought the cooler to the middle and started serving food. I gave her 2 kabobs and some fresh fruit. I also gave her a plate of fish that Sokka grilled.

"Yum, this looks delicious sweetie!" She exclaimed,a warm, genuine smile playing on her lips.

"Thanks, sweetie! Sokka grilled the fish because- well- you know how that went last time I tried to grill fish-" I cringed at the memory. She laughed.

"That was hilarious!" She wheezed, recalling the memory. I grinned. We started eating, listening to our playlist and watching the sunset from our hidden picnic area. After the sun had gone down, we both finished our dinner.

"Wow," Katara breathed, taking in the sight around us. It was just us, alone, on top of a hill of glowing stars. It was amazing! Just then, our song came on. Katara and I's favorite song that we called 'our song' was 18 by One Direction. Even though I'm not even 18 yet, we have an inside joke. We just say 12 instead of 18 because I've loved Katara ever since I met her when I was 12. Wow, that was so long ago! And we've been through so much together. I smiled at the memories that came rushing back at me. Suddenly, Katara tugged on my arm, pulling me out of my trance.

"Hello! Earth to Aang!" She shouted in my ear. I cringed at the sudden noise. I stood and looked into Katara's big, round, blue eyes, and extended my hand to her.

"Would you join me for a dance, m'lady?" I asked her.

"Of course, good sir." She giggled as she took my hand and I started twirling her around. *You can listen to 18 by One Direction here, it sets a good tone!!* Eventually, we got into a smooth rhythm, Katara laid her head on my shoulder, and I had my hands on her waist, holding her close to me. We moved slowly in circles, enjoying each other's company until the song ended. We pulled away, smiling at each other as I looked up to the stars.

I laid down on the ground, tugging Katara's arm to tell her I want her to join me. She laid next to me, and we both looked up to the sky. I took her hand in mine.

"It's so beautiful, but not as beautiful as you, Katara." I said sincerely, turning my head to face my stunning girlfriend. She blushed and punched my arm. "Hey! What was that for?" I asked, surprised.

"Stop being so cheesy!" She laughed. I laughed with her. We laid there for a while, admiring each other and the stars. I could lay here forever, I thought. A little while later we decided to exchange gifts. She got me a customized bracelet and some other little things.

"Aw, Katara, I love it! I guess I'm a guy that wears bracelets now," I said genuinely. She smirked. She opened her gifts from me and blushed at the card.

"Aang, I love these! And thank you so much for everything. I can't imagine ever being with anyone else." She said, snuggling up to me. I kissed her forehead, and she fell asleep shortly. I picked her up and carried her to the car, placing her in the passenger seat. I went back and packed everything up and packed it all into the car. I slid into the driver's seat, turned the car on, and pulled out of the parking space. I gave Katara one last kiss on the forehead before driving home. What a perfect night with the most perfect girl.

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