🚗Chapter 6🚗

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Aang! I turned as the front door opened behind me and a familiar teen walked in. I ran and practically jumped into his unexpecting arms.

"Welcome home, sweetie! I'm so happy to see you!" I exclaimed.

"Uh- Hi sweetie! When did you get home?" He asked. I think he was a bit startled. Oops.

"Sorry if I scared you. The girls and I just got back from the mall." I replied. That's when I turned around to the kitchen to see Sokka glaring.

"Aang, what did I say? No. Oogies." He said in a threatening tone.

"Uh-h- I- sorry?" Aang stammered.

"Ugh, just leave us alone, Sokka! I never complain about you and Suki!" I said, giving him the death glare.

"That's different, and I'm older! Now if you'll excuse us, Suki and I are going to watch a movie," he stated in a dry tone.

"While all of you lovebirds are busy, I'm gonna go to the wrestling gym. See ya!" Toph interrupted. Then she just walked out of the house.

"And how is she gonna get there?" I wondered. "Not it!" I yelled when I realized one of us was going to have to drive her there. "Aang and I have a date to get to, Sokka, you drive her." I stated.

I turned towards Aang again. He blushed at the word 'date.' I think it's so adorable how he still does that even though we've been dating for 4 years.

"Are you ready to go, sweetie?" I asked Aang. He turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Yep, I'm all ready to go when you are." He answered. I nodded.

"Okay, let's go then!" I exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pulling him out the front door. I dragged him all the way to Suki's car because Sokka was going to use his to drive Toph to the gym.

"Hang on, I don't have the keys!" He remembered.

"Don't worry, I have them for you!" I tossed him the keys while I entered the passenger side door. Aang got in the driver's seat and started up the car. He plugged his phone into the aux and shuffled a playlist. One of my favorite songs, Wake Me Up by Avicii came on. We both started singing along since we both knew the words. When I'm around Aang, I feel free, like I can be myself without being judged. I smile and look out the window at the passing scenery. I turn back to Aang and blush. I still can't believe he is, and always will be, mine. Just mine. 

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