🥗Chapter 3🥗

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My first task was to start preparing the food. Since I was going to be grilling, I needed to get an early start. I took out some squash, zucchini, onion, peppers, and corn. I put slices of each onto sticks and grilled vegetable kabobs. I also called down Sokka so that he could make some fish for Katara. Since I'm vegetarian, I won't eat any fish. Then, I baked a cheesecake and put it in the freezer. Since all of the food preparation that I could do early was done, I went on a hunt for a picnic blanket and cooler.

I walked down to the basement to see if I could find our big cooler. While I was in the storage, I found a large picnic blanket, our cooler, and little string lights in the shape of stars. I brought all 3 of my discoveries upstairs and brought them out to the back porch. There, I laid everything out and took an inventory of everything I currently had collected. Oh! I know what I'm missing! I thought. I ran inside and went to the front door.

"Sokka! I'll be at the store for a bit!" I yelled so that he could hear me.

"Okay buddy, be careful!" He replied.

"I will!" I assured him. I got my drivers license only 2 months ago, so he's probably nervous that I'm gonna crash or something. I went outside and got in Sokka's car. I turned out of the driveway and started heading towards the grocery store. Katara made a playlist on my phone of songs that she really likes, so I shuffled that playlist and continued driving. The song that came on was Rude by MAGIC!I knew all of the words to the song so I started jamming out in my car. I got some weird stares from people in the cars next to me.

When I got to the store, I parked and went inside. First, I wanted to get some ice cream drumsticks. They were amazing. Then, I got some ghirardelli chocolate for Katara. There was another part of the store that had little gifts, so I found a picture frame and put it in my cart. When I was sure I had everything else, I picked out some moon flowers for Katara. When I was all done, I checked out, loaded the groceries into the car, and drove back home. At home, I put the frozen items in the freezer and brought everything else outside onto the back porch. Now, all I had to do was create a playlist, pick a location, text Katara, and wait for sundown.

I picked a beautiful area next to a little stream and waterfall. There was a hill we could sit on, and there were trees so that we could be in private. We could lay down and look at the stars when the sun went down, too. The playlist consisted of a mix of Katara and I's favorite songs, and it also had 'our song.' I texted Katara and told her that we could leave around 8 pm, so she should be home before that. Now, my only job was to wait for a couple hours.

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