🛍Chapter 4🛍

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When we got to the mall, we headed into the Macy's. We kept walking as I thought about what I should get Aang.

"Hey, Suki? What is a good store to find gifts at? I know you buy a lot of gifts for Sokka here." I inquired. Suki and my older brother Sokka have been dating for 4 ½ years.

"Well, we could try going to Hallmark or Bath and Body Works. If you want, we could check the Fossil store. They have nice bracelets and necklaces for men." Suki replied. We stopped by a directory and map of the mall.

"Okay, sounds good. It looks like Fossil is the closest, so let's go there first," I confirmed. Toph and Suki nodded, and we walked to Fossil. We arrived at the shop and went inside. Woah.

"What is this place, a leather shop? All I can see are shelves and people and the only thing I smell is leather!" Toph exclaimed.

"That's exactly what it is, Toph!" Suki laughed. I walked around and went to the bracelet section. I feel like Aang would like a bracelet because he already has a dog tag that he wears around his neck. I found one I liked and asked Suki what she thought. I would ask Toph too but...ya know..

"That looks perfect, Katara!" Suki exclaimed. "It looks like you can even have them engrave something on the metal piece."

"Mhm! I think I'm going to have them write Aang on the front, and Katara on the back. That way, people will know his name is Aang if they see it, but he'll still think of me when he wears it," I said. Suki and Toph agreed. We walked to the counter and handed over the bracelet. I told them what I wanted them to engrave, and they said to come back in an hour or so. We said that would be fine and walked out of the store.

"Well, where do you want to go now?" Suki asked.

"We should go to Forever 21 so that you guys can pick out new clothes for me. My old ones are wayyyyy too small, and I obviously can't choose any by myself," Toph responded.

I shrugged and looked at Suki.

"Sounds good to me," I confirmed. Suki nodded in approval and we made our way down to Forever 21. Suki and I started looking around while Toph followed. She liked to make sure the clothes we found were comfortable.

"Oh, and make sure they're green!" Toph reminded us. Even though she can't see color, Toph still wears green because her element is earth. Suki and I nodded.

Eventually, we picked out 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 1 skirt, and some new accessories. We also got her a light green flannel. For shirts, we got her a plain black short-sleeve shirt, a light green graphic tee, and a white crop top. The skirt was an army green button up jean skirt. Then, we got her army-pattern sweatpants and some light blue jeans. The last item of clothing we got was a pair of dark green paperbag waist belted shorts. Finally, for her new accessories, we got silver and gold hair clips, a new green headband, a set of green pura vida bracelets, and a necklace of little gold stars. We checked out and left the store with our bags.

It's been about an hour and a half, so we went back to Fossil. The bracelet was ready, and it was perfect! The one I chose out was the Tiger's Eye Beaded Bracelet. It was lunch time, so we got Chick-Fil-A. After lunch, we shopped around randomly, and I got Aang some Hershey's Kisses and a card. Just as we were leaving Hallmark, I saw them.

Dang it. They saw me too.

"Guys, I think we should go the other way-" I started. Toph beat me to it. She could sense them before I saw them. She turned all 3 of us around with her earthbending and pushed us the other way.

"Guys, what happened?" Suki asked.

"Jet and his little band of Freedom Fighters are here. We need to walk faster," Toph replied. I looked behind us to see if they were still following us, but they weren't. That's weird. I thought.

"Mph-" I crashed into something- no, someone- in front of me. Then I realized Suki and Toph stopped walking.

"Watch where you're going, babe," Jet laughed. I pushed him, hard. "What was that for, babe? I just want to talk," Jet sighed.

"First of all, don't call me babe you jerk! I'm not dating you anymore. Get used to the word ex. Second of all, I have a boyfriend. In fact, he's the avatar. And if I told him you tried to hurt me, or take me away from him, he'd get very mad, and he's a lot stronger than you think, especially when you hurt someone he loves," I replied, grinning as I thought of the time one of the Earth State officials tried to hurt me in order for Aang to enter the avatar state. "And third, I don't want to talk to you. What I want you to do is let us go and never talk to me again!"

"How about no~" Jet answered.

"Okay then, you asked for it!" At that moment, I punched Jet in the face, Toph used earthbending to make his friend fly towards the ceiling, and Suki made the third one fall over by kicking his legs out from under him. Then, we all ran. When we made it back to the middle of the mall, I checked my phone. I blushed a little when I saw that it was Aang who texted me. This is what he said: "Hey sweetie! I know you're at the mall with the girls and sorry to bother. I just wanted to let you know that you should be home around 7 or so, so that we can leave for your surprise around 8" Awwww he's so sweet! A surprise just for me? I blushed at the thought. I texted him back to let him know we were on our way home, and we would be back in a bit. Then, I told the girls and they agreed that we should go home, especially after the whole Jet thing. So, we picked up all of our stuff, put our stuff in the car, and went home.

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