✨Chapter 5✨

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About 10 minutes later, Katara texted me back. This is what she said: "Ok, sweetie! The girls and I were just about to be on our way back. We'll be home in a bit!<3" I blushed a little and smiled. Dang, I don't deserve her. I thought as I got off the couch to go upstairs. When I was in my room, I went to my desk and opened the drawer. I pulled out the card I had bought for Katara and wrote a cute message in it for her. Then, I went to my balcony and looked out over the backyard. I still had everything laid out, so I went downstairs to clean it up.

When I got on the back porch, I started sorting everything. I packed up all of the food and put it in the cooler. Then, I picked up the lights, picnic blanket, and pillows and went to Sokka's car. I put it all in the trunk and went back inside.

"Sokka!" I called.

"What is it, Aang?" He shouted back.

"I'm going to set up the surprise, I'll be back. If Katara comes back home when I'm gone, tell her I'm at the store!" I told him.

"'Aight, sounds good buddy," He said. I nodded and slipped on my black Vans. I grabbed the keys from the key rack and hopped in Sokka's car. Then, I turned on the ignition and started to drive to the picnic spot.

When I arrived, I walked to the top of the hill. There, I laid the blanket down. Then, I brought up the cooler from the car and put it in the corner of the blanket. Next, I brought the pillows and lights. I put the pillows on both sides of the blanket. The hard part was going to be putting out the lights. So, I got to work on them. Ugh, why do they have to be so tangled? I thought to myself as I started the difficult task of detangling the lights. Once I was done with that, I laid them in strings around the blanket. Gosh, I didn't realize I brought so many! I stared in awe as I stepped back to admire my work. It looked like the whole hill was covered in stars! Lastly, I brought up Katara's presents and put them down in the middle of the blanket.

Satisfied with my work, I stepped back to admire it one more time. I checked my phone. Shoot! It was 7:15, and there were 2 missed calls from Katara. I didn't bother calling back, I just needed to get home. I ran down the hill to the car, and got in and turned on the ignition. I raced home as quickly as I could while still being safe, and made it home by 7:30. Then, I walked in the door and was greeted by a big hug.

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