Chapter 5

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Felix woke up the next morning with swollen eyes.

Groaning, Felix threw his blanket off himself, stretching his limbs out from the twisted position he woke up in.

Still squinting from just how swollen his eyes were, Felix leaned over towards his bedside table and grabbed his phone, opening it up, and instantly felt his mood drop more than it was.

Bang Chan had not replied all night, or even yet this morning.

Felix didn't feel like that was a good sign.

So much for a new friendship...

After checking the time, Felix decided he had enough time to stop by a cafe for some breakfast; he hadn't dared join his parents for dinner and opted to go to bed early.

It was a Sunday. Typically, his parents left early in the morning to go to church. Felix wasn't forced to go with them, thankfully, but he got a sinking suspicion it had something to do with Felix possibly embarrassing them in front of the congregation. Felix thought that was ironic, considering his father definitely showed up hungover as fuck every Sunday.

Felix took a cool shower, helping him wake up and hoping it made the swelling in his eyes go down a bit. Once clean, he pulled on a navy crew-neck sweater with a white polo underneath and some slightly ripped tight jeans. He took a little time making his hair presentable, adding a little bit of concealer to his face to hide the dark circles under his eyes.

Once Felix was presentable, he grabbed his wallet and phone, putting them in his back pocket before going downstairs and pulling on a worn pair of converse before leaving the house. He looked over at his car before deciding that he just wanted to go on foot today.

The walk to the cafe was peaceful and relatively uneventful. The sun was gentle in the sky, a few large clouds passing overhead. The roads were virtually empty, a lone car passed by every so often, but for the most part, people weren't out in public. Felix got slightly excited at the prospect of the cafe he was going to being virtually empty; he wouldn't have to wait long for his order.

Felix finally arrived at the cafe. He was kinda excited at this point, opening the door and being hit with the smell of fresh muffins wafting through the air.

Smiling to himself, Felix walked up to the counter. Not seeing any workers out in the dining area, he hit the little bell on the counter, hoping that whoever was working would hear it and come out quickly; The muffin smell wasn't helping his hungry stomach much.

Looking around at the, to his delight, empty dining room, Felix didn't see the worker come out the back door, take one look at who was at the counter, and immediately turn around back into the kitchen.

"Jin-Hyung, if you have ever loved me before, I need you to go take the order that's out there, please, please, please," Bang Chan said quietly once he was completely sure the door was closed in between the kitchen and the dining room.

Seokjin looked up at his younger worker, an incredulous look on his face due to the fact that he was covered in flour, with bread dough all over his hands and arms; The cafe owner was trying to perfect a new bagel recipe; it required a lot of hands-on experience.

Chan clasped his hands together and got on his knees, effectively begging his boss to do this for him.

"I'm a little preoccupied kid. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to bite the bullet and take that order. You know, it's almost like it's your job!" Chan knew that Jin was actually sorry he couldn't help him right now. It's not the first time that Chan has asked such a favor, and the older had helped out in the past if he could.

This is just the first time that Chan physically did not want to go out there at all.

"Get your little butt out there and take the customer's order before they leave Bang Chan," Jin stated, not bothering to look at the younger; his eyes were trained on the dough he was kneading.

Chan took a deep breath, turned, and faced the door separating him and Felix and slowly pushed it open.

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