Chapter 3

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psa: strong language and violence towards the end, read at your own risk.

Felix wasn't sure what to do.

He didn't remember telling his mom the name of the guy he was talking to today, so she wouldn't be able to know it was him right away because, let's be real, she definitely watches who he follows and who follows him.

Fuck it, Felix really liked the impression he got from the older, and it honestly wouldn't kill him to make a new friend.

Well, he hoped it wouldn't kill him...

Moving on from that cynical thought, Felix unlocked his phone, accepting the follow request, and followed the older back.

Felix looked through his posts, seeing a lot of stoic looking selfies and a black and white color scheme theme.

What surprised Felix even more was the DM notification, an indication that Mr. Bang Chan was trying to message him.

Felix warily opened the message.

Hey, you popped up on my 'you may know' list,
and I didn't see any harm in clicking follow,
I hope that's ok with you.

Felix breathed a sigh of relief, happy that the guy wasn't purposely trying to find his account or anything from what he said... Felix chose to ignore the reminder in his head that he thought of doing just that earlier.

Oh! Yeah, no problem lol

Ok sweet... so uhh, what's up??

Uhhh, nothing really, just got home lol

Am I making you uncomfortable??
I just kinda wanted to get to know you better,
you seemed cool lol

You're not making me uncomfortable,
we could maybe be friends

"Maybe be friends?" Felix, get a hold of yourself this is a bad fucking idea. What the hell are you doing???

Really? Fuck yeah!

Felix chose to ignore the weird feeling setting in his chest, nothing good can come from this, but he can't seem to blow the older off.

Uh yeah, I don't see why not...

Ok then, should I introduce myself better?

As soon as Felix read that last text, he heard the front door slam shut from down the hall.

Just fantastic, father dearest is home...

"LEE FELIX, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Felix heard his father bellow from the living room.

Not wanting to make tonight any worse than it was sure to be, Felix sat his phone on his side table, completely forgetting about a certain older male that was waiting so patiently for his reply, and rushed out to meet his father.

The first thing Felix noticed once he was the stench of alcohol that was surely coming from the large angry man standing in the middle of the room.

Then he noticed his mom standing behind his father, her arms crossed, and a reproachful look on her face, eyes trained right on Felix.

"I was told by a coworker who was at your game that he saw you talking and smiling with a man after your game. Do you want to tell me who the fuck he is? I had told your mother as soon as I heard." His father all but growled out at him.

Felix scoffed and rolled his eyes. Naturally, they wouldn't have been at the game themselves. Why come support their only son who has put so much time and effort into something he loves? Obviously, their only option is to focus on how he TALKED to a man... not that he won the game or anything...

"DO NOT SCOFF AT ME LEE FELIX WHAT HAVE WE TOLD YOU! NO SON OF OUR IS GOING TO RUIN HIS LIFE BY BEING A F*****" Mr. Lee screamed, taking large quick steps at his son, grabbing Felix's left upper arm in a tight grip. Felix did his best not to wince from the pain shooting up his arm, feeling his father's unkempt nails digging into his exposed skin there from the t-shirt he was wearing.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO US???" Felix felt drips of spit hit his face as his father towered over him. He wanted to be anywhere but here.

Was it too much to ask for parents who love him? Love him no matter his sexual preference? What the fuck was wrong with them?

When Felix didn't answer his dad, the man pulled back his free arm, and with most of his strength, punched his fist hard into Felix's stomach.

Felix couldn't hold back the deep grunt that left his lips; no matter how often situations like this happen, he was never fully prepared when things like this happen.

Felix's mind at that moment didn't think about himself and the pain he was currently feeling. Instead, his brain thought of Bang Chan. It thought of how Chan is probably wondering what happened to the younger. It thought of the possibility that Chan feels blown off after not receiving a text back.

Felix just hopes somewhere deep down, Chan decided to wait and didn't jump to a conclusion after not receiving a reply.

Felix's father threw a few more punches into his son's stomach, each harder than the last. Once the grown man felt he had taught his son a proper lesson, he threw the boy onto the ground and stormed off to his office in a different part of the house.

Felix grunted and looked up from the ground, tears in his eyes, as he makes eye contact with his mother.

The woman just looks blankly at her son, not feeling any remorse for what just happened. She then walks into the kitchen, probably to get started on their dinner.

Felix lets the tears fall. He doesn't make any sound and just picks himself off the ground, stumbling his way to his room. The first thing he does is pick up his phone.

There's no new text from Chan, and Felix feels his heart sink. Felix also chooses to ignore the apparent warning signs going off in his head from that reaction.

I'm sorry Chan-hyung.

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