Chapter 6

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Felix slowly turned back towards the counter when he finally heard someone coming out to take his order.

Let's just say the younger was shocked to see the guy he couldn't get out of his head on the other side of the counter.

"Chan-hyung.." Felix trailed off, not knowing exactly how to greet the older he accidentally ghosted the night before.

"Hello Felix," Chan said, breaking the awkward tension that had quickly taken up space in between them. Chan wasn't sure why out of all the places he could be in the city, Felix had to turn up at his place of work.

Then again, the older wasn't exactly disappointed to see the younger.

In fact, Chan couldn't quite wrap his head around how it was possible for the boy to look this cute in his oversized sweater but ultimately decided that that train of thought wasn't the proper one to take at this time.

Felix finally made eye contact with the older. Chan couldn't help but notice his swollen eyes and the, poorly hidden with concealer, dark circles that rested beneath them.

"Felix, are you okay? Do you want to order and then maybe talk? Only if you're up for that." Chan said slowly and calmly, not trying to make the poor boy uncomfortable.

Felix gave a weak smile in return while nodding, "Just a caramel cappuccino and one of the lemon poppyseed muffins, please."

Chan nodded and walked away from the register, not even bothering to type it in or take money from the other, sure that he would benefit from his act of kindness.

Once Chan had everything prepared for Felix, he informed Jin that he would be taking his break now. Jin rolled his eyes but nodded, assuming that whoever got chan so spooked earlier is also the reason for his untimely break.

Coming back out from the kitchen, doing his best to carry Felix's order plus a drink for himself (if he's going to take his break, he may as well enjoy it), Chan sits down across from the other, handing his stuff over cautiously, feeling the nerves radiate off of him.

"Soooooo, how's life?" Chan starts, hoping to break some of the tension between them.

Felix takes one look at the older man across from him and breaks down. Tears streaming down his face, ugly sounds coming from his mouth, the whole nine yards.

Chan immediately freaks out, no clue what he could have possibly done in the 30 seconds he'd been sitting there. Quickly, Chan stands up, hesitantly reaching out as he steps around the table to pull the younger into a tight hug.

"Hey hey hey, I'm so sorry Felix, breathe please, just take a deep breath," Chan says calmly, lightly rubbing Felix's back, trying his best to calm the poor boy down.

Felix took a shaky breath, doing his best to follow Chan's instructions. After a few minutes of that, Felix was back to normal- well, as normal as you can get for bursting into tears the second time you meet someone.

"I don't want to freak you out again, but just know you can tell me if anything is wrong. I won't judge, I swear." Chan says, hoping the waterworks don't start up again.

Felix nods, wiping the tears off his face. He looks up into Cahn's eyes and sees the care in his expression, and feels something in his heart stir. Okay, what the hell was that...

"Can- What time do you get off?" Felix asks quietly.

Chan feels his eyes widen slightly at the question but smiles. "I've got about 2 more hours left, if you want, you can come back to my house afterward, and we can talk as long as you would like." Chan hopes the calm tone of his voice made Felix feel safe.

Felix thought for a second. He knows his parents will be back from the church not long before Chan even got off of work, but did he really care? Nope.

"Thank you, hyung, that would be nice," Felix says, a small smile gracing his features, and for the first time since getting home last night, he felt truly safe with the current person he was with.

Chan smiled widely back at the younger, his dimples showing off on his face. Nodding, Chan stood up from the table, telling Felix to feel free to come up to the counter for a refill whenever he felt like while he waited for the older before walking back behind the counter and into the back room again.

Once Chan was out of the sight of Felix, he backed up into the wall behind him and took a deep breath.

Whoever made Felix cry like that was going to have to deal with him from now on.


Thanks for being so patient with me, I'm over covid now, but naturally instead of taking easy, as soon as I was back to work I decided that I didn't want to stay at that place, so I started a second job, and am now working 2 jobs until my 2 weeks is up at the first place.. 

Im very tired, but oh well lol

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