Chapter 9

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Chan froze immediately.

"Hyung, I'm home! I brought Binnie too!" Chan was now starting to panic. Felix smiled, kinda excited to meet the younger brother Chan had mentioned a few times now.

Turning around in his seat, Felix looked at the front door area, and then he froze too.

The first person Felix noticed was Seo Changbin. That must be the "Binnie" person Chan's brother had mentioned. Knowing that Changbin was the friend only left one person that could possibly be the brother. Felix wanted to die.

The said brother hadn't noticed the extra person in the living room yet, too busy taking his shoes off. Changbin had seen, though.

"Why's everyone so quiet?" Minho had now gotten his shoes off and turned to face his best friend, who looked shocked and angry? Minho was now very confused.

Looking into the living room, Minho made eye contact with his older brother first, very taken aback by the highly guilty look on his face. Then he saw who Chan was with.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing in my house." Minho was livid.

"I-i, I didn't know this was your house." Felix started, heart beating fast. This was it. Chan was about to know everything he needed to.

"Chan, please enlighten me why the bitch who makes it his personal mission to further ruin my life is sitting on our couch." Minho was not playing around. He could feel his arm shaking, hands balled into fists.

Chan chose that moment to snap back to reality.

Standing up, he quickly moved in between his brother and Felix.

"It's a long story, Min, but I promise this wasn't to hurt you." Chan tried, knowing that this situation had the potential to ruin all the progress he's made at getting Minho to open up to him more again.

"I don't give a fuck what reason you have, Chan. I'm going to my room; if you have any sense of brotherhood, then you'll get that fucking person out of our house before I come back out." With that, Minho stormed away, not even taking Changbin with him.

Changbin finally looked away from Felix to make eye contact with Chan. "You've seriously fucked up Hyung," is all he says before walking down the hall to join Minho in his room.

The two that remained in the living room didn't move, let alone make a sound.

"Why didn't you tell me Lee Minho was your brother?" Felix finally broke the silence, looking at Chan's back. He could see the tension fall from Chan as he dropped his shoulders, hanging his head in front of him as he turned around.

"You, you were the guy who threatened me at that cafe that day! So you already knew..." Felix couldn't believe this turn of events. The younger stood up, causing Chan to raise his head up to look at him.

Felix felt tears in his eyes. "What was your goal? Make me feel safe just so you could hurt me because of your brother?" Chan looked pained by the words Felix was spewing.

Reaching forward, Chan tried to grab Felix's arm, "Felix, no, I, I would never do that," Felix wasn't hearing it, though, and ripped his arm away from the older.

Chan balled his outstretched hand and lowered his arm again.

"Felix, I don't believe this whole front you put up," Chan was shaking his head.

Felix felt like throwing up. There's no way Chan could have seen through him that easily.

"NO! I'm not whatever you're trying to say I am. You know what? Stay away from me," Felix felt his heartbreaking. There's no reason this should be this hard. The two barely knew each other.

"Please, Felix, don't do this. I can help you!" Chan was now close to tears. He could see the pain in Felix's eyes.

"I'm leaving, ple- please don't talk to me," Felix felt the tears fall before he even knew he was crying again.

Moving quickly, Felix was already around the older, and grabbing his shoes, not taking time to put them on, he yanked the door open. Taking one last look at the older, who was facing him but making no attempt to stop him, Felix walked through the door. If it slammed behind him, well. That wasn't his problem.

Felix reached down to slip his shoes on real quick and then took off.

Running away from his problems sounded like the best option right now.

He was officially alone.


eheheheh I'm on a roll with writing, so I figured I should just post things as I'm going, since it took me so long to update in the first place

love you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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