Chapter 8

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Special Chapter!


Seungmin woke up with a warm figure pressed against his side.

Smiling to himself, he looked over at the younger one who was curled against him.

He secretly loved the nights when Felix had to go back home, and it was just him and Jeongin.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his friend, but they had to pretend to be homophobic assholes like him because of him.

Not that Seungmin would ever dream of outing himself, he was pansexual.

Seungmin wasn't entirely sure what Jeongin was because they never thought to talk about it, but the boy loved to cuddle when Felix wasn't here.

This whole thing started a while ago. Whenever Felix had to go home, they would just cuddle the entire night, watching movies and enjoying each other's presence.

They didn't talk about it; it kinda just happened, and neither wanted to really stop. Or at least Seungmin didn't want to.

Seungmin had spent the last so many years secretly crushing on Hwang Hyunjin. After everything that went down the day before, it didn't even matter anymore.

But he had Jeongin, and that was enough for now.


Jeongin stirred awake when he felt arms circle around him. He knew Seungmin must have woken up at this point.

Pretending to still be asleep, Jeongin wiggled his face further into Seungmin's neck.

Shhh, don't tell anyone, but Jeongin knew he was in love with his best friend.

He came to terms with the fact long before they started doing this.

He hated Felix for the sole reason that he couldn't be open about his affections.

Jeongin continued to pretend to like Felix just because Seungmin still did.

"Innie, are you awake?" Jeongin should have known that Seungmin would be able to tell. He always can.

"I am now, ass," Jeongin jokes, looking up at Seungmin.

"Oh? I'm an ass now? Okay then," Seungmin must have decided to go along with it because he started to roll away from Jeongin.

Acting quick, Jeongin latched on tighter, not giving Seungmin any more space to pull away from him.

"I take it back, please don't move," Jeongin wanted this to last as long as he could get it too.

Seungmin just looks at the younger and gives him a warm smile, and Jeongin can't be held responsible for what he says next.

"Minnie, I love you." As soon as the words leave his mouth, Jeongin feels his heart stop.

Seungmin's eyes get wider than Jeongins ever seen them, and he sits up, pulling out of Jeongin's hold.

"You, you love me?" Seungmin looks shocked from where Jeongin remains laid down.

If Jeongin could disintegrate and cease to exist, he would.

"I-, Yeah. Seungmin, I don't care if this ruins everything. I'm in love with you." Jeongin closes his eyes, so he doesn't have to see whatever Seungmin's reaction is.

"Innie, please look at me," Jeongin hears the soft tone in his voice and slowly opens his eyes back up and stares into Seungmin's.

"I, I don't think I feel the same, but I feel something, and I'm willing to look into it further if you're willing to wait for me?" Jeongin feels a twinge when Seungmin says he doesn't feel the same but chooses to ignore it after Seungmin finishes his sentence.

Jeongin sits up himself and wraps his arms around Seungmin again.

"I'm more than willing, Minnie." Jeongin feels his heart soar. He doesn't care how long it takes; at least he knows Seungmin feels something.

"Well, do you wanna get some food and then spend the day cuddling while watching movies?" Seungmin says with a soft smile, giggling when Jeongin excitedly nods, wiggling to get out of the bed.

Jeongin doesn't know where this is gonna end up, but it's okay because for now, at least he has Seungmin. That's enough for him.

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