Chapter 4

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Chan tried not to let Felix's lack of response get to him.

Looking down at his phone, Chan read over the last text he sent. The older tried to imagine what could have happened to suddenly cause Felix not to respond. Maybe he was busy? Perhaps he didn't get a chance to reply yet?

Chan huffed and tossed his phone onto the coffee table in front of him; he was sprawled out on the couch in their living room.

Chan threw his arm over his eyes, deciding he could maybe take a nap since he had no clue if Felix would even reply, and their couch was hella comfy. The last thing the 20-year-old remembers before drifting off was a faint ding coming from his phone, but he was too close to sleep to grab the phone.

The next thing Chan knew, there was a body who just threw themselves on top of him.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Chan groaned and moved his arm off of his face, making eye contact with his very excited younger brother.

Chan grunted and pushed the younger off of him, "What the fuck is so important that you had to be rude?" Chan was not amused.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Once those words left Minho's mouth, Chan instantly woke up more. Chan excitedly wrapped his arms around the younger, giving him a tight hug.

"Oh shit, Min! When the fuck did you manage that? Who?" Chan questioned, pulling back from the hug, holding his brother at arm's length.

Minho giggled, relieved his brother was excited for him. "Well, it was right after the soccer game... I uh- I've had a crush on one of the players for a while, and his friend helped me out." Chan nodded, the slightest amount of hurt went through him that Minho hadn't told him about the crush, but at least they were getting closer again.

"Well, what's his name?" Minho blushed hearing the question, "H-han Jisung, he's a year below me," Minho answered, hoping Chan wouldn't judge him for dating someone younger than him.

"OH! I should probably tell you that Binnie managed to get a boyfriend too!" Minho all but shouted, succeeding in startling the older. Chan's eyes went wide.

"CHANGBIN GOT A BOYFRIEND TOO? How the fuck did you guys manage to get a boyfriend the same day??" Chan was very confused; he honestly thought that Minho and Changbin would have eventually gotten together, considering how close they were- maybe they were just friends.

Chan chose not to voice that last thought out loud, save him receiving a smack from his excited younger brother.

"Yeah, the friend of Jisung's, his name is Hyunjin, and he's super fucking tall. I'm fully prepared to teas Changbin for it." Minho giggles out. Chan is happy that his brother seems so pleased. It's been a while since Minho has shown this much emotion at one time.

"Well, we'll have to have them all over at some point. I need to meet the boys who think they can date my younger brothers." Chan says seriously, Minho rolling his eyes.

"Cute that you think you have any say in our relationships," Minho says sarcastically.

"Oh, no, I'm sure if you trust them, then they're good people. I won't try and get in the way. I just gotta do my duty as big brother." Chan says, Minho nodding, hugging his brother again.

"So what did you do this evening?" Minho asks, and Chan feels his heart stop.

Shit, I can't tell him about Felix. That would ruin his mood for sure...

Chan felt really guilty for the feelings he could feel forming for the younger boy. He knew that the boy was bullying his brother, and that made him feel like shit. Chan knew that he would protect Minho with his life if it came down to it, but there was something about Felix.

Chan knew that he couldn't hurt him even if he wanted to.

"Oh, nothing really. I just laid here on the couch when I got home from the game, messed on my phone for a bit, and decided to pass the fuck out." Chan said, hoping that Minho didn't pick up the fact that he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Lazy ass," Minho laughed at his brother, Chan shaking his head and pushing his brother.

Minho chose that moment to stand up and stretch, walking away from the older and towards the kitchen. "I'll make us some dinner, though no promises it's any good," Minho says, Chan humming in response.

Once Minho was out of the room, Chan looked at his phone sitting on the table.

Reaching out towards it, Chan clicked it open once it was in hand.

I'm sorry, Chan-Hyung.
Received 2 hours ago

Chan stared at the text for a minute. There were a few options by what the younger could mean by that.

The first one was that he was sorry for not replying right away, which was possible, but the text feels too formal.

The second option is that something came up, and Felix wasn't interested in Chan's friendship.

The third option is that Felix figured out Chan's motive for friendship and is repulsed by the idea, you know, classic homophobia.

Chan himself was bisexual, but he hasn't dated much, having one girlfriend years ago. Still, he chose to stay single for a while, focusing on school and music, plus soccer when he was still playing.

Chan really hopes the last option isn't the right one. Hell, he really hopes the second option isn't correct.

Stressed out by the thoughts running in his head, Chan sets the phone down beside him, choosing not to reply just yet. It was kinda late now. The younger was probably in bed by now.

Chan hoped things would work in everyone's favor.

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