Chapter 7

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Chan was finally done with his shift for the day. The last 2 hours had coasted by pretty nicely, Felix asked for a refill once, and Chan quickly replaced it for him. Felix had just calmly sat at the table, scrolling through his phone. Chan was thankful that there was a steady stream of customers to keep his attention. He wasn't sure how it would go over with the younger if he just stared at him the entire 2 hours...

"Hey, I'm off. You ready to go?" Chan asked as he walked up to the table the younger was sat at.

Felix looked up at the older and smiled lightly, nodding his head and standing up. The two make their way out of the cafe, walking around the building to the employee parking area to get into Chan's car.

The two stay relatively quiet during the ride to Chan's house; Chan just softly hums along to the music coming through the radio. Finally, they quickly arrive, Chan parking and leading Felix into the house.

They settle into the living room, a slightly awkward air between them. Felix lets his eyes wander around the room, taking in everything he could about the older.

Felix noticed that there were no pictures anywhere, but there were enough shoes by the door to imply that multiple people were living here.

Not that he was curious to know more about the older or anything...

"Sorry, I know my place isn't much to look at. It's just my younger brother and me here." Chan said, and Felix was a little surprised to hear that the older lived alone with his brother. But, of course, there probably isn't a good reason for that...

"No, no, it's fine," Felix does his best to be polite.

Honestly, he wasn't sure why he was even here, let alone why he allowed himself to break down in front of Chan. They barely knew each other. So how did he feel more comfortable with him than just about everyone else in his life?

"Uh, so like I don't wanna push the boundaries of whatever this is, but do you wanna talk about what happened earlier?" Chan could see the flash of panic in Felix's eyes for a second.

"Have you ever had a feeling about yourself, and you know it's wrong, that you shouldn't feel that way, but you just can't stop, no matter the repercussions?" Felix decided to keep it simple and vague. Can't let Chan in too much.

"Uh well, not personally, no, but you can tell me if you want. I promise to keep an open mind." Felix just shook his head at that. He can't let him in that deep.

"How about we just get to know each other more then?" Chan tried instead. Felix let out a tense breath he had been holding and smiled.

"Sure, um, how do we start?" To that question, Chan didn't exactly have an answer; there was a lot of stuff he was curious about when it came to the younger.

"Uhh, well, let's start simply. When's your birthday?" Felix giggled at how relaxed Chan got almost immediately.

"September 15th, you?"

"October 3rd, not that far apart, actually," Chan joked.

"Yeah, I mean, save the obvious years," Felix felt the grin on his face take form once he saw the mock offended face Chan made after that comment.

"Ok, rude," Chan put a hand over his heart and wiped a fake tear away from his eye. "Next question, I guess, hmm, dogs or cats?"

"Oh cats, for sure," Felix answered quickly and actually laughed out loud at the defeated look Chan had.

"You and my brother are insane, dogs are much better, but he keeps begging me to let him bring home a cat," Chan said, and it was true; Minho asks probably twice a week to let him get a cat. Or two. Quite possibly three.

"No, you're insane, cats are chill, dogs are just way too much," Felix was very grateful for how quickly the air between them turned to fun and light.

"No, no, no, cats are rude. At least dogs actually love you back," Chan was ready to die by his beliefs on dogs and cats. Something told him that he might change his mind, though.

"Uhg, whatever, be wrong, hobbies?" Felix didn't know what made him ask that; he didn't have any hobbies himself other than soccer, and Chan already knew he played.

"Hm, well, I'm super busy with work all the time, but I was in school for music, so I guess that's a hobby now." But, of course, Felix wasn't expecting that answer.

"Oh really? That's so cool! you should show me something you've done at some point!" Chan felt his heart stutter at the excited look on Felix's face. This was dangerous.

"Well, I just might have to at some point. What about you?" Felix got excited to hear that Chan was willing to show him his music, but when he went to answer Chan, the front door opened.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and be prepared for the storm that's sure to happen in the next chapter...

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